Ambient Intelligence for the networked home environment VantagePoint Tutorial June Darmstadt
2 Outline Introduction to VantagePoint Some Use Cases for VantagePoint Tutorial with an example scenario
3 Introduction to VantagePoint (1/3) VantagePoint is an ontology viewer that uses Jena interface to manage ontologies and Java 2D graphics to visualize them VantagePoint encapsulates OWL ontologies into semantic models and provides tools to retrieve these models from a disk, manage them dynamically and store them back on the disk. All visible things in VantagePoint visualization fall into two classes: Area and Item. What these classes represent is up to the developer With VantagePoint application developers can see different operations as in real life and notice practical errors better without expensive test laboratories
4 Introduction to VantagePoint (2/3) –The isometric view provides a good overall picture of the visualized environment –The edit view is a 2D ‘ground plan’ view and it enables accurate editing operations VantagePoint provides two distinct views
5 Introduction to VantagePoint (3/3) VantagePoint provides two different query methods –With the graphical querying users are able to execute queries with minimal knowledge about the query languages needed. –With the free query users are able to textually define their own query statements without any constraints. VantagePoint supports two ontology query languages: RDQL and SPARQL VantagePoint provides various interaction possibilities: Adding, removing and moving of instances Printing of models
6 Some use cases for VantagePoint With VantagePoint users are able to –Create virtual environments –Simulate contextual changes –Gain better understanding of the semantic models –Simulate service discovery and composition –Perform queries about context and other information VantagePoint –Supports the development of new services –Allows to view ontology instances associated with a complex contextual information in a more illustrative and understandable way –Acts as an interface between ontological models and external applications
7 Tutorial with an example scenario The tutorial is divided into 6 steps, which are –Step 1: Launching VantagePoint from an external application –Step 2: Loading a semantic model –Step 3: Importing a model with additional class definitions and adding a new area –Step 4 & Step 5: Performing queries –Step 6: Adding a new property to an instance These steps demonstrate –How VantagePoint can be used from external applications –How to import own class definitions and –How to add properties to different instances
8 Tutorial with an example scenario The tutorial is divided into 6 steps, which are –Step 1: Launching VantagePoint from an external application –Step 2: Loading a semantic model –Step 3: Importing a model with additional class definitions and adding a new area –Step 4 & Step 5: Performing queries –Step 6: Adding a new property to an instance
9 Step 1: Launching VantagePoint from an external application Tutorial1 VantagePoint events
10 Tutorial with an example scenario The tutorial is divided into 6 steps, which are –Step 1: Launching VantagePoint from an external application –Step 2: Loading a semantic model –Step 3: Importing a model with additional class definitions and adding a new area –Step 4 & Step 5: Performing queries –Step 6: Adding a new property to an instance
11 Step 2: Loading a semantic model VantagePoint.owl Small.owl Tutorial1VantagePoint events
12 Step 2: Loading a semantic model VantagePoint.owl
13 Step 2: Loading a semantic model Small.owl –VantagePoint forms a semantic model from this file and visualizes it –Contains the areas and items to be visualized 3 areas 3 items 1 person
14 Tutorial with an example scenario The tutorial is divided into 6 steps, which are –Step 1: Launching VantagePoint from an external application –Step 2: Loading a semantic model –Step 3: Importing a model with additional class definitions and adding a new area –Step 4 & Step 5: Performing queries –Step 6: Adding a new property to an instance
15 Step 3: Importing a model with additional class definitions and adding a new area VantagePoint.owl SimplifiedAmigo.owl Small.owl Tutorial1VantagePoint events
16 Step 3: Importing a model with additional class definitions and adding a new area Amigo_simplified.owl
17 Step 3: Importing a model with additional class definitions and adding a new area Room isa imported ’Amigo_simplified.owl’
18 Step 3: Importing a model with additional class definitions and adding a new area A new area is added. This area is defined as an instance of the class Amigo_simplified:Room ”amigoRoom”
19 Tutorial with an example scenario The tutorial is divided into 6 steps, which are –Step 1: Launching VantagePoint from an external application –Step 2: Loading a semantic model –Step 3: Importing a model with additional class definitions and adding a new area –Step 4 & Step 5: Performing queries –Step 6: Adding a new property to an instance
20 Step 4 & Step 5: Performing queries Tutorial1VantagePoint executeQuery(queryStatement) queryResults
21 Tutorial with an example scenario The tutorial is divided into 6 steps, which are –Step 1: Launching VantagePoint from an external application –Step 2: Loading a semantic model –Step 3: Importing a model with additional class definitions and adding a new area –Step 4 & Step 5: Performing queries –Step 6: Adding a new property to an instance
22 Step 6: Adding a new property to an instance ”amigoID” property is added to the amigoRoom instance amigoID = ”1234”