W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Machine-Detector Interface Issues Machine Backgrounds, Present & Future BaBar involvement in Accelerator Performance Improvements Summary W. Kozanecki, CEA-Saclay
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 The Issues Backgrounds operational efficiency (this coming run) long-term projections (2005 & beyond) New IR design background simulations: can BaBar live with predicted levels? make it all fit (unavoidable hardware changes!) [ this topic likely to g r o w in importance] Accelerator Performance Improvements background remediation beam dynamics instrumentation IR geometry, orbits & optics BaBar-based accelerator diagnostics
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Backgrounds: what has happened so far Try & revive the ‘Background Group’ Strong (and largely successful) effort at awareness-raising in BaBar (“work on backgrounds? why?”) recruiting help Identified subdetector background contact persons (SBC) Regular MDI meetings (~ every other week) Background Workshop: Sep 03 In-depth review of radiation-abort policies: “make BaBar & PEP-II transparent to each other” Run-4 backgrounds: operational issues, vulnerabilities, long-term projections Launch the background-simulation effort
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Background Sources I ( ) Synchrotron-radiation X-rays Power: mostly separation dipoles Background: mostly HER IP quadrupoles Duck it if you can! else mask it, but watch out for multiple bounces Masking very effective: SR backgrounds not a problem in BaBar so far Cool it well - or else! Lost-particle backgrounds Bremsstrahlung: e + gas -> e’ + (E’ < E) By now, almost exclusively from the last few (tens of) m ==> vacuum! Coulomb scattering: e + gas -> e’ (E’ = E, but ) Potentially from the whole ring, depending on limiting apertures and on pressure profile. In practice no longer an issue Touschek : similar to bremsstrahlung BaBar: neglected so far. Should be checked for very-high current operation. Luminosity (e + e - => e +’ e -’ ) Elm shower debris (radiation + occupancy) + beam-wall p’s (trigger)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 # Xtls > 10 MeV Single-beam backgrounds EMC vs. I +, I - I DCH vs. I + Two-beam backgrounds % occpcy (> 1 MeV) EMC vs. I (I + = 1100) - L1 trigger rate vs. I- (I + = 1100)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Background Projections Background Projections (based on bgds measured in 2000, then 2002) High-Luminosity Model (JS, PEP-II AP Note 130) combined with ( - I - + - I - 2 ) + ( + I + + + I + 2 ) + L Drift Chamber Bakground Projection (July 2000 characterization)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 SVT Bakground Projection Pain threshold: ∫dose ~ 2 MRad Horiz. plane: ~ 2 MRad by , then MRd/y Other : ~ 0.25 MRad by 2004, then ~ 0.1 MRad/y DIRC Bakground Projection Pain threshold: PM rate ~ 200 kHz (dead time ~ 300 kHz, 500 kHz) Note how different the relative contributions are between subdetectors July 2000 characterization
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Recent background history: DCH LER current Luminosity Compare measured DCH background to that expected at the same LER current, HER current & Luminosity, based on the Feb characterization
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Background Sources II ( ) Lost-particle backgrounds Lost-particle backgrounds (continued) Beam-beam (?) tails ~ Coulomb-like signature ==> collimation ? ( LER !) elm shower debris in incoming detector straight (esp. LER?) ‘steady state’ : DCH, IFR – but also SVT (dose + occupancy) Spikes & fluctuations DCH, TRG Radiation bursts spikes (“fast aborts”) trapped events Injection backgrounds 30-90% of SVT dose 45% of EMC dose (CsI calorimeter) ~ 50% radiation aborts
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Recent background history: SVT, IFR SVTIFR endcap predicted (2002) measured
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 DCH current steady-state level HER lifetime 400 sec Manual abort Radiation bursts Fast (auto) abort
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Injection Backgrounds (Numbers are in krad, (%) is of dose in stable beams) SVT Radiation dose from January to June 2003
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 SR + beam gas + “Lumi” (e + e - e + e - ) (“traditional”) not an issue ’05 w/ present IR geometry (& * !) however beam-gas in the LER may become a major contributor to the SVT integrated dose occupancy once the LER current is raised significantly Beam-beam tails (SVT occupancy, DCH spikes, dead-time bursts, IFR currents) a growing limitation (including for BaBar data quality) Interplay between BaBar radiation-abort strategy, and (primarily) radiation bursts (spikes/trapped evts) ==> significant source of beam aborts difficult injection (poor injection efficiency, high backgrounds, repeated aborts) ==> major inefficiencies Backgrounds operational efficiency (’03-’04) Radiation-abort strategy Radiation bursts Injection backgrounds Beam-beam tails
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Backgrounds: long-term projections I Experimental background extrapolations 2005 (2009) Currently based on 2002 bkgd data. An updated characterization will be carried out once PEP-II stabilizes. BaBar hardware/performance limitations? 2005 (2009) (see W. Wisniewski’s talk) extrapolation of ‘traditional’ backgrounds (in present geometry) valid 200x ? * ==> Coulomb still OK? can one extrapolate beam-beam backgrounds – at all? how to take into account evolution of injection losses any limitations/vulnerabilities in Babar hardware or physics performance? radiation damage? operational limitations (power supplies, trigger/dataflow bandwidth,...) physics performance (tracker occupancy/efficiency/resolution, calorimeter resolution)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 SVT elx threshold problem ? Projected integrated dose in SVT midplane Projected integrated dose in SVT midplane (Basis: 2002 characterization, no beam-beam tails, no injection improvements)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Extrapolated dose rates in the SVT mid-plane (stable beams) 50 mR/s ~ 10% chip occupancy Projected SVT data quality Projected SVT data quality (Basis: 2002 characterization, no beam-beam tails) “BaBar needs to better understand the implications of high beam occupancies”
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Projected DCH currents & data-flow dead time Projected DCH currents & data-flow dead time (Basis: 2002 characterization, no beam-beam tails) remedy under active study
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Backgrounds: long-term projections II Beam-beam ? Lattice mods ? (dynamic aperture) Beam-gas simulations ring: Turtle IR Geant4 SR simulations (an intrinsic part of the new-IR design) 2 themes... validate IR upgrade design make sure that what we install in ’05 does not suffer from built-in flaws... ...at least for those processes we can calculate (SR, beam-gas) understand / improve backgrounds in present machine ...that are intimately intertwined validation requires credibility update “old” simulations to incorporate what we learnt simulations of present machine/detector configuration better get the ‘right’ answer (when confronted with measurements)... ...if we want to believe predictions for the upgraded IR improve those backgrounds we canNOT calculate both for today’s and for tomorrow’s sake!
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Background analysis & mitigation [BP, LP, TG: some just starting, but too few...] Background simulations [RB, MB, GC, SM + SLAC (TF/GB)] Fast monitoring of machine backgrounds PEP-II [MW, C’OG, AP, GDF,...] injection quality (SVT, EMC: dDose /dI b ) time distribution of injection triggers data quality: occupancies, dead time,... for the stored beams in the ‘trickle’ window more operator-friendly displays (& controls) of radiation inhibits/aborts BaBar involvement in Accelerator Performance Improvements (I) EMC L1 trigger rate
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Beam dynamics beam-beam simulations [IN (Caltech), YC (Slac ARD)] beam-beam experiments, monitoring of beam-beam performance Instrumentation gated camera in LER & HER [D. D., Slac Exptl Grp C + A. Fisher +...] beam-beam effects (flip-flop, ‘raining buckets’, parasitic crossings) electron-cloud effects development of an X-ray beam-size monitor for the LER: SLAC + zone-plate approach: J A (Caltech) pin hole approach: JK (LBL), HDS SVTRAD sensor & electronics upgrade [B P et. al. (Stanford); MB/DK et. al. (Irvine) (initiated & funded by BaBar)] CsI background sensors [JV, Slac Exptl Grp B] IR geometry, orbit & optics IR orbit monitoring & stability, IP & ring orbit feedbacks on-line monitoring of IP position PEP-II control system [RB, Slac; GDF, Caltech;..] on-line monitoring of luminous spot sizes PEP-II control system [MW (Slac); GDF (Caltech); MB/GR (Nikhef);...] BaBar involvement in Accelerator Performance Improvements (II)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Summary BaBarians... ...have (re-started) contributing significantly to the machine “BaBar-based machine diagnostics “ a growing & important effort But more help is needed, esp. on medium- & long-term issues BaBar vulnerabilities better understood short term: SVT elx chip, DCH data flow, IFR aging medium term: SVT (& EMC ?) integrated dose, tracker occupancies, physics systematics ?? implications of lattice mods ( dyn. aperture) for backgrounds? Most urgent short-term gains injection (lack of reproducibility, abort cascades, ++dose, fatigue) beam-beam tails (more agressive and/or upgraded collimation) radiation bursts (“dust events”) Most significant long-term gain potential LER vacuum in last 20 m (?) [tbc by updated bgd characterization] injection (30-90% of integrated dose in SVT & EMC)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Appendix: radiation bursts (aka ‘dust’ events)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Statistical study of trapped event properties (T. Schietinger, 1999)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 SVT diode pattern during trapped events typical, but not universal
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 An odd sequence of slow radiation bursts (2003) ? ?
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 An odd sequence of slow radiation bursts (c’td) ?
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 A collection of fast radiation spikes (stored beams)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Geometry of some detectors useful for such studies (East)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Radiation bursts: “summary” Statistical study of trapped event properties (T. Schietinger, 1999) SVT diode pattern during trapped events A collection of recent slow & fast radiation bursts Some guesses... NEG dust from near IR pumps? gas ‘bubbles’? (would explain correlation with current increases) possibly some incorrectly latched fast beam instabilities (RF, TFB ?) ...but certainly no coherent picture nor robust interpretation
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Spare slides
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 PEP-II Mid-Project Evaluation Resources Ewan Paterson, TD Persis Drell, RD Bill Wisniewski, Babar Resources Ewan Paterson, TD Persis Drell, RD Bill Wisniewski, Babar Parameters, L dt Parameters, L dt John Seeman, Stan Ecklund Jonathan Dorfan, Co-ordinator Lattice/Model Tor Raubenheimer Uli Wienands Vacuum Systems Nadine Kurita Scott DeBarger RF System Ron Akre Ray Larsen Feedback Systems Eric Colby Dmitry Teytelman Reliability/Uptime Roger Erickson Name #2 Machine/Detector Interface Witold Kozanecki Guy Wormser New IR Design Mike Sullivan Name #2 Diagnostics Mark Ross Steve Smith Injection Franz-Josef Decker Name #2 Controls Tom Himel Rusty Humphrey stricly speaking
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Fast Abort Changes Will leave abort settings during stable beams unchanged Forgiveness (2 Rad) cannot be increased as that endangers the SVT Increasing threshold (~1 R/s) could result in running at >1R/s for 10 minutes, which we do not want to try We can try to change settings during injection There is no immediate danger to the SVT as it is not biased The increase in dose (a few krad/year) would be regained if we can get rid of 10-20% of the aborts Suggested change: Increase forgiveness by factor 3 over stable beams (e.g. 6-8 rads) Set threshold at 2 times stable beams (~2rad/s) instead of 5 times Would like to have causes of aborts, which still occur be identified and logged by operators Brian Petersen, 3 Oct 03
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Slow Abort Changes We will enable “extend” button for 10-minute timer, but restrict it to 10 additional minutes We will monitor it for abuse (of course) Activate 10 minute timer for the diamonds Suggest to replace BW:MID diode with BW diamond Use threshold of 75 mrad/s? Changes can be implemented by next week Brian Petersen, 3 Oct 03
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Possible Longer Term Changes Should separate “forgiveness” from protection against very fast spikes Very quickly abort beams on dose rates of 0.1 to 1krad/s Allow rates of Rad/s for a little longer (x2-4?) than today Requires the SVTRAD1.5 Abort only one beam? Not clear that HER and LER always clearly separated during aborts Gain in integrated dose will be minimal as most aborts would be of the HER Would require new electronics in IR-2 alcove (previous electronics were done by Mark Petree) Brian Petersen, 3 Oct 03
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 MID Radiation Doses Until Now Budget is set to reach 4 Mrad by 7/ (to be lowered?) FW:MID is consistently overestimated in Run 3
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 TOP Module Doses until 2009 TOP modules look OK, except if FE:TOP becomes MID module BW:TOP and FW:TOP doses are probably overestimated 85-90% of the dose is supposed to come from injection
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 BABAR scorecard today X: visible effect with non-zero impact - : visible effect with no impact ? : yet unknown fixed: det upgrade to fix a significant issue G. Wormser, Bgd Workshop summary, 24 Sep 03
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 BABAR scorecard July 2004 G. Wormser, Bgd Workshop summary, 24 Sep 03
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 BABAR scorecard July 2006 G. Wormser, Bgd Workshop summary, 24 Sep 03
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 BABAR scorecard 2009 G. Wormser, Bgd Workshop summary, 24 Sep 03
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Architecture of background simulations (1) Synchrotron Radiation MAGBENDS / QSRAD: stand-alone programs SR background calculations: an intrinsic component of IR re-design shouldn’t these be interfaced to GEANT? Beam-gas step 1: LP-TURTLE transports particles around 1 ring turn full model of ring optics (treated as transport line) start with ‘nominal’ beam at IP beam-gas scattering randomly around ring (bremsstrahlung or Coulomb scattering) transport ‘secondaries’ (e’, ) simplified model of IR apertures (simple geometry, no showering!) those particles lost ‘near’ the IP are scoring plane input to step 2 step 2: full GEANT simulation of detector + near-IR ( m) see Mario Bondioli’s talk
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Architecture of background simulations (2) Beam-beam full simulation of beam-beam tails impractical focus on collimation studies optimize collimator placement/relocation (SM) understand main characteristics of collimator secondaries (HB) provide guidance for machine experiments use Turtle machinery Strategy considerations improve/update description of magnetic fields & apertures (TF, GC) many fundamental features easier to understand at Turtle level first round of IR-upgrade design validation will be done this way (RB) GEANT-level simulation essential (MB, GB, GC) to benchmark computations against data to make sure there are no “alligators” hiding in new design absolute background predictions always suspect even when benchmarked against experiments. However... ...ratios (new design /present machine) much more reliable.
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Lost-particle backgrounds IP Normalized to: - uniform pressure profile of 1 nT - 1 A beam current IP Coulomb scattering in Arcs (y- plane) e - Brems- strahlung in last 26 m (x-plane) Vacuum pipe / mask apertures
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 The “Background Zones” reflect the combined effect of.... beam-line geometry (e.g. bends) optics at the source and at the detector distant(good!) aperture restrictions, both distant (good!) & close-by (bad!) X (mm) Zone 1 X (mm) Zone 2 Zone 3 X (mm) IP Zone 4 Coulomb scattering in Arcs Bremmsstrahlung in field-free region Bremmsstrahlung
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Benchmarking of simulations: comparing “predicted” and measured background levels Radiation patterns for a given sensor type: independent of absolute calibration among different sensors: compare fractional derivatives Absolute background levels sensor calibration! absolute pressure profile ! Global consistency/sanity checks operational experience in MCC
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Pressure-bump experiment: NEG heating in BaBar straight Vacuum gauge reading (nT) Create localized P-bumps NEG heating DIPS on/off Measure response of background monitors Compare relative measured & simulated monitor response to validate Monte Carlo Different regions ==> diff. patterns diff. abs. levels Abort diode signal (mR/s)
W. KozaneckiPEP-II MAC Review, 9-11 Oct 03 Compare measured & predicted dose rates in HER: Monte Carlo lost-particle simulation (Turtle + BBSIM) validated by p-bump experiments Computed pressure profile in detector straight section (N 2 -equivalent, not vac.-gauge units!) Average ring pressure (from lifetime) for arcs & distant straights Understanding the absolute level of HER backgrounds (Sep 99)