MOCS Mike Hobbs Mike Steele Mike McGann Scott Daniels James Linder PBL-7-98 Chemical Heat Pump
Topics of Discussion Problem Statement Given Required Solutions
Problem Statement Analysis of Chemical Heat Pump Analysis of Cooling Tower Analysis of Boiler
Flash tank Heat exchanger Exothermic reactor Distillation column endo reactor Flash tank H2 Acetone 2-Propanol H2 condenser MIXED Acetone H2 Acetone 2-prop Compressor 1 Pump 1 Compressor 2 Liquid gas Reduction valve water Hot air Cool air Pump 2 Air 79 % N2 21 % O2 Natural gas Combustion gasses CO2, H2O, N2, O2 T= 375 F BFW SS CR BOILER reboiler Cooling tower Ambient air 85 F 80 % RH CWR 103 F Exit air Pump 3 CWS 75 F COOLING TOWER MOCS WORKING DIAGRAM PBL-7-98 WATER 2- prop & acetone
Given: Chemical Heat Pump Diameter of L1 = 6.35 mm Average Velocity = 10 m/sec Temperature L6 = 200 C Mole composition of L1=.97 2-Propanol Mole composition of L5=.02 2-Propanol
Given: Chemical Heat Pump (continued) Hot Air going into Endo 23.8 C Relative Humidity 80 % Cool Air coming out of Endo 15.5 C
Required: Chemical Heat Pump Energy Supplied into Endo Reactor (Q in ) Diameter of L6 Partial Pressures of L6 Amount of Water Condensed in Endo
Endo Reactor Q in Hot air Next page L 202 L 2 L 201 Acetone 2- Prop L 3 Condenser L 5 L 4 L 803 Water Cool air L 303 Pump 2 L 1L 101 H2 Re-boiler Reduction valve Acetone 2-Prop L 801 CWR Flash Tank 1 Distillation Column
Analysis: Chemical Heat Pump (Endo) Q in = Btu/ hr (29 ton unit) Water Condensed 168 lb/hr (21 gal/hr)
Exothermic Reactor L 202 L 203 Compressor 1 L 5 Pump 1 Exo Reactor L 6 L 501 Acetone Heat Exchanger L 7 L 802 L 801 Gas Compressor 2 L 8 L 804 H2 Acetone 2-Propanol Flash Tank 2 H2
Analysis: Exothermic Reactor Diameter of L6 = 29.0 mm Partial Pressure: 1.96 ATM Acetone 0.04 ATM 2-Propanol
Given: Cooling Tower Cold Water Return 39.4 C Cold Water Supply 23.8 C Input Ambient Air 29.4 C Relative Humidity 80 % (Ambient Air) Exit Air 30.5 C RH 90 %
Given: Cooling Tower (continued) Diameter for CWS and CWR: 0.05 m
Cooling Tower CWR 103 F Cooling Tower Ambient Air 85 F 80 % RH L 301 L 302 Exit Air Pump 3 Water L 303 CWS 75 F
Required: Cooling Tower Velocity for Cold Water Supply Velocity for Cold Water Return Pounds of Dry Air from Cooling Tower
Analysis: Cooling Tower Velocity of Cold Water Supply: m/hr Velocity of Cold Water Return: m/hr Pounds of Dry Air: 34,600 lb dry air/ hr
Given: Boiler Steam Supply 220 psig (q=1) Cold Return (q=0) Temperature of Exit Gas C Combustion Gasses: CO 2, H 2 O, N 2, O 2 Excess Air 40 %
Given: Boiler (continued) Diameter for SS and CR:.05 m
Boiler Boiler Feed Water Boiler Combustion Gasses CO2,H20, N2,O2 L 901 L 903 CR SS Natural Gas Air 79 % N2 21 % O2 T= 375 F L 902
Required: Boiler Velocity of Steam Supply Velocity of Cold Return Flow Rate of Natural Gas Percent Composition of Exit Gasses
Analysis: Boiler Velocity Steam Supply: m/hr Velocity Cold Return: 36.7 m/hr Amount of Natural Gas: 3.51 tons/month
Analysis: Boiler (continued) Composition of Flue Gasses: CO 2 = 7.0 % H 2 0 = 13.9 % O 2 = 5.6 % N 2 = 73.5 %