5th lecture – Sport for handicapped Situation in Finland Paralympics Classification Special Olympics
Main forms of action in special physical activity Organizations for handicapped sport,Paralympic committee Top sport Organizations for handicapped sport,clubs Competition sport Municipal,club and individual activities Conditioning and recretional physical activity School Applied physical education Health care Rehabilitation / rehabilitative physical activity
Competitive and top sport Federations of handicapped sport organizations mainly responsible, the 3 biggest: SIU = Finnish Federation for Invalid Sport SKLU = Finnish Sport for Mentally Handicapped NKL = Central Organization for Visually Impaired Finnish Paralympic Committee responsible of top sport www.paralympia.fi
Finnish sport and physical activity for handicapped VAU ry www Finnish sport and physical activity for handicapped VAU ry www.vammaisurheilu.fi Estabilished 17.9.2009
Sport for handicapped in Finland Sport federation of war invalids 1945-2000 Strong path opener in early days Last national cahampionship games in 2000 Nowadays sport for handicapped in addition to VAU with Finnish Sport Federation for Deaf http://www.skul.org
Great Book of Olympics (Suuri Olympiateos) – part 10 Siukonen, Pulakka, Ahola (1996), Jyväskylä: Gummerus History of paralympics 1960-1996 participants results profiles From freak to top sport (Kummajaisesta huippu-urheiluksi) History of finnish sport for handicapped 1960-2005. Leena Kummu 2007.
Paralympics www.paralympic.org International top athletic games for physically and visually impaired governed by International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and recognized by international Olympic Committee (IOC) Organized after Olympic games at the same venues Finnish Paralympic Committee www.paralympia.fi/ is responsible of organizing,choosing and sending team to the games
Paralympic sports: summer bench press wheel chair rugby wheel chair fencing yachting shooting swimming table tennis wheel chair tennis sitting volleyball rowing archery track and field wheel chair basketball boccia cycling equestrian events fencing soccer goalball judo CP soccer
Paralympialajit: talvi cross-country skiing alpine skiing biathlon sled ice-hockey wheel chair curling
Classification of handicapped athletes Athletes are classified by functional ability Goal:equal competitive situation Observed in classification: background information of athlete (diagnosis) function capability of muscles / eyesight functional capability of athlete in performance Classification can be permanent or temporary
Special Olympics www.specialolympics.org World wide organization of mentally handicapped recognized by IOC Offers year-round physical activity to mentally handicapped,their instructors,coaches and families Organizes Special Olympics every second year (alternating summer and winter games) In Finland organized by VAU