Gestures, Communication and the Brain New Perspectives in Neurolinguistic Research and Communication Studies Julia Elisa Melcher
The Discovery of the Mirror Neurons University of Parma: Primate Research with macaque monkeys Vittorio Gallese Giacomo Rizzolatti Leonardo Fogassi
The Discovery of the Mirror Neurons Particular class of visuo-motor neurons Performance of action (motor- neurons active in motor cortex – action-control) Observation of same action performed by another ape (neurons discharging in same area) Mirror neurons `mirror´ perceived actions Mirror system can be trained! (plasticity of the brain)
The Discovery of the Mirror Neurons Mirror System in Humans : Also Broca´s area involved – hand movements (gestures, non-verbal language) Processing (observation) and imitation of gestures „Activation of Broca´s during the observation of hand actions could be interpreted as reflecting verbal mediation.“ (Rizzolatti et al.) Premotor cortex, insular cortex and somatosensory cortex – understanding of emotions, empathy
The Discovery of the Mirror Neurons Understanding of actions Understanding of others´ emotions and intentions (body language, voice, facial expressions …) Empathy Imitation Darwin: „The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals“ (1872) Goal-related actions, learning social behavior, manipulation of others (cheating), fairness, mentalizing
NLP – Neurolinguistic Programming University of California, Santa Cruz Richard Bandler (mathematician, psychologist) John Grinder (linguist) Noam Chomsky – transformational grammar Albert Bandura - `social learning theory´, behaviorist Gregory Bateson – cybernetic theory Fritz Perls (Gestalt-therapy), Virginia Satir (Systemic Family Therapy), Milton Erickson (Hypnotherapy) …
NLP – Neurolinguistic Programming * NLP in use (Media) * Conclusion: Broad field of linguistic study on human language & cognition and language & social behavior from various perspectives
Sources: NLP-psychotherapy, Coaching, Mediation Rizzolatti, Fogassi, Gallese: Neuropsychological mechanisms underlying the understanding and imitation of actions Blakemore, Winston, Frith: Social cognitive neuroscience: Where are we hading?