TRIGGER EFFICIENCIES IN 20X. Semileptonic events 1 lepton from W 1 lepton from W p T gen >10 GeV, || 10 GeV, ||<2.4 At least 1 lepton p T >20 GeV,||


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Presentation transcript:


Semileptonic events 1 lepton from W 1 lepton from W p T gen >10 GeV, || 10 GeV, ||<2.4 At least 1 lepton p T >20 GeV,|| 20 GeV,||<2.0 2 jets (E T Raw >13,|| 13,||<2.4) Dileptonic events Dileptonic events 2 leptons from W 2 leptons from W p gen T >10 GeV || 10 GeV ||<2.4 At least 2 leptons p T >20 GeV, p T >15 GeV,|| 20 GeV, p T >15 GeV,||<2.0, opposite charge 2 jets (E T Raw >13,|| 13,||<2.4) Off-line selection Generator cuts cuts efficiencies reported  trig  trig  based on MC information  trig/off  trig/off  relative to the offline selection Trigger path name HLT threshold (GeV) HLT1MuonNonIso16 HLT1MuonIso11 HLT1ElectronRelaxed17 HLT1Electron15 HLT2MuonNonIso3,3 HLT2ElectronRelaxed12,12 HLTXElectronMuonRelaxed10,10 HLTXElectronMuon8,7 HLT1jet200 EVENT SELECTION 2

Final state bjjb 2_0_0Ideal2_0_0Startup N gen acceptance87.5± ±0.9  trig HLT1MuonNonIso77±175±1 HLT1MuonIso62±140±1  off/acc 79±178±1  trig/off HLT1MuonNonIso87±185±1 HLT1MuonIso 66 ±1 44±2 2_0_0 MUONS1_8_3(Ideal) ± ± ± ± ± ±0.9

Final state ebjjb 2_0_0Ideal2_0_0Startup N gen acceptance 87.1 ± ±0.9  trig HLT1ElectronRelaxed72±1 49± 1 HLT1Electron69±1 48± 1  off/acc 87.5± ±1  trig/off HLT1ElectronRelaxed79±1 56 ± 2 HLT1Electron74±1 54 ±2 1_8_3(Ideal) ± ± ± ± ± ±0.8 2_0_0 ELECTRONS

2_0_0 ideal ideal tt->bjjb HLT1MuonNonIso tt->ebjjb HLT1ElectronRelaxed

Final state bjjb 2_0_2Ideal2_0_2Startup N gen acceptance87±290±1  trig HLT1MuonNonIso82±276±2 HLT1MuonIso64±240±2  off/acc 81±281±2  trig/off HLT1MuonNonIso91±281±2 HLT1MuonIso 70 ±2 41±22_0_5Ideal2_0_5Startup ±189±1 78±277±2 64±238±2 81±280± 87±284±2 68 ±2 42 ±2 2_0_2 2_0_5 MUONS

Final state ebjjb 2_0_2Ideal2_0_2Startup N gen acceptance 88 ± 2 88±1  trig HLT1ElectronRelaxed75±2 53± 2 HLT1Electron71±2 51± 2  off/acc 87± 2 83±2  trig/off HLT1ElectronRelaxed 80 ±2 59 ± 2 HLT1Electron 75±2 57 ±2 2_0_5Ideal2_0_5Startup ± 1 84± 2 74±253±2 69±249±2 88±178±2 78 ±2 61 ±3 72±256±3 ELECTRONS 2_0_22_0_5

Final state ebjjb 2_0_5Ideal2_0_5Startup N gen acceptance 86± 1 84± 2  trig HLT1ElectronRelaxed74±253±2 HLT1Electron69±249±2 HLT1ElecEt15_L1R_NI 90± 1 HLT1ElecEt15_L1R_LI80±280±2  off/acc 88±178±2  trig/off HLT1ElectronRelaxed 78 ±2 61 ±3 HLT1Electron72±256±3 HLT1ElecEt15_L1R_NI 94 ± ±0.9 HLT1ElecEt15_L1R_LI 83± 2 87± 2 ELECTRONS 2_0_5

Final state bjjb 2_0_6Ideal N gen 1541 acceptance88.8±0.8  trig HLT1MuonNonIso78±1 HLT1MuonIso63±1 HLT4jet3062±1  off/acc 80±1  trig/off HLT1MuonNonIso87±1 HLT1MuonIso 67 ±1 HLT4jet3065±12_0_6 Final state ebjjb 2_0_6Ideal N gen 1452 acceptance 87.3± 0.9  trig HLT1ElecEt15_L1R_NI 88.2± 0.9 HLT1ElecEt15_L1R_LI79±1 HLT1ElectronRelaxed74±1 HLT1Electron69±1 HLT4jet30 85 ±1  off/acc 86±1  trig/off HLT1ElecEt15_L1R_NI 92.7 ±0.8 HLT1ElecEt15_L1R_LI 84± 1 HLT1ElectronRelaxed 80 ±1 HLT1Electron74±1 HLT4jet30 87 ±1

2_0_6 ideal ideal