1CBS, Department of Systems Biology Exercise : Drug-likeness by ’rule of five’ Log into your databar account, start Firefox and go to the following web- address Draw proguanil, calculate properties and decide if this compound is a drug according to ’rule of five’
2CBS, Department of Systems Biology
3 Proguanil antimalarian tablets
4CBS, Department of Systems Biology Exercise: Searching in PubChem Go to Search PubChem for Does it pass the Lipinski rule of 5? Go to BioActivity Summary How many bioassays has it been tested on? On how many of them has it been found active? Go to Structure-Activity and Add Similar Compounds. How many are similar to it with Tc > 0.93? Are they active in the same bioassays? 4
5CBS, Department of Systems Biology 5
10CBS, Department of Systems Biology
11CBS, Department of Systems Biology
12CBS, Department of Systems Biology
13CBS, Department of Systems Biology
14CBS, Department of Systems Biology14
15CBS, Department of Systems Biology15
16CBS, Department of Systems Biology
17CBS, Department of Systems Biology Tc = 70%
18CBS, Department of Systems Biology Tc = 50%
19CBS, Department of Systems Biology
20CBS, Department of Systems Biology Tc = 50% AND druglike
21CBS, Department of Systems Biology
22CBS, Department of Systems Biology Tc = 50% AND immediate delivery