The Find Tab
Please select a button to learn more. Welcome to the Find Tab. Here is where you can look for funding opportunities.
To begin, type your criteria into the Search Bar. Then press Enter on your keyboard or click on the Go button. The search engine also supports the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT. Use these operators to add or subtract information from your search. Cancer NOT Research
Search Results will be shown here. By default, the newest opportunities will be listed at the top. Results can be sorted by Due Date or Agency by clicking on the appropriate column heading.
To begin a new search, click the Clear All button.
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To begin, type your criteria into the Search Bar. Then press Enter on your keyboard or click on the Go button. The Funding Sources Tab provides a way to search for foundations, state agencies and other granting entities.
Complete the form on the left with information from the Funding Source website on the right. Once a Funding Source is selected, an opportunity can be created.
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To begin, click the Add Opportunity button. Unique funding opportunities can be created within the system for sharing with peers and creating project workspaces for collaboration.
The source can be a URL or a Document uploaded into the system. Enter the source of your new opportunity.
Once the source of the new opportunity has been entered, complete the form on the left by selecting, dragging and dropping information from the website or document on the right. Additional data fields can be created by clicking the Add Custom Field button. Up to 10 of these fields can be created.
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Filters provide a quick way to select the information that is needed.
Select to search for opportunities that are open, closed, or both by clicking the respective button. By default, all open opportunities will be displayed.
Several additional filters are available such as Agency, Sub Agency and Database Source. To select a filter, click on the Filter Title.
Each filter will list items in order of the number of opportunities found in the database.
To select a filter item, click on the box next to the item. Only those opportunities from the National Science Foundation will be displayed.
Each filter has a search bar that allows you to quickly and easily find the item you need. Begin typing and the search bar will do the work, no need to press enter.
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The Save my search button will save all search criteria. Criteria entered in the Search Bar and all filters that have been selected will be saved.
To view your Saved Searches click on the “Saved Searches” button. To execute a Saved Search just click on the name. To delete a Saved Search click on the red “X” next to its name. Searches that have been shared by others in your institution are viewable by selecting “Searches shared with me”.
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