SM5312 week 1: course overview1 SM5312 Interactive Media 1 Nick Foxall
SM5312 week 1: course overview2 SM5312 Interactive Online Media Covering… The Internet and related network / telecommunication technologies In relation to… Telematic art, and the Internet / network as a platform for artistic exploration
SM5312 week 1: course overview3 SM5312 Interactive Online Media Aims & Objectives 1.To provide an overall background and understanding of online media and networked technologies; 2.To provide a conceptual foundation of online media / networked media in relation to net-art and media art applications; 3.To encourage exploration of the relationship(s) between online technologies, the social / cultural implications of such technologies, and the creative possibilities therein.
SM5312 week 1: course overview4 SM5312 Interactive Online Media Aims & Objectives 4.To gain a broad understanding of the interactive capabilities of different online / network technologies, systems and delivery mechanisms; 5.To be able to manipulate technologies relevant to web-based media, and how to employ the web as a platform in future media art-related projects; 6.To master the basics of web page / web site design using standard graphics tools, and implementation using DOM (Document Object Model) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) standards.
SM5312 week 1: course overview5 Defining online media The Internet Mobile / cellphone networks Application / device specific networks iPod / iTunes, podcasting Google Earth
SM5312 week 1: course overview6 Learn Web Defining online media The Internet Communicate , chat, talk Learn browse, search, research, discover Trade shop, buy, sell Give / Receive send and receive “stuff” Publish personal expression Chat / talk ICQ, MSN, Skype Transfer FTP, , Web Trade Web Publish Web THE WEB, AND THE BROWSER ARE INCREASINGLY AT THE CENTRE OF EVERYTHING
SM5312 week 1: course overview7 The web: the core platform of online media Web Sites How they Work Web Servers, directory structures Internet and Web Protocols Domains and IPs XHTML and hypertext The Web Standards Model WC3 standards Browsers, DOMs, platforms Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
SM5312 week 1: course overview8 The core platform of online media Web Sites Designing a Web site Content planning Navigation Look and Feel (layout, use of colour, typography, etc) Graphics and image optimization Building a Website Site structure Page coding in HTML (XHTML) and CSS Testing and uploading
SM5312 week 1: course overview9 The core platform of online media Web Sites Additional Techniques Video and Flash for the Web Cookies, traffic monitoring blogging tools, RSS, podcasting
SM5312 week 1: course overview10 The core platform of online media Background to the Web Brief history of the Internet and the World Wide Web (from an art perspective) The Web today: “Web 2.0” Web “standards”, web applications, AJAX The collaborative web, social networks, “mashups”, participation Web publishing: videos, blogs, personal broadcasting
SM5312 week 1: course overview11 Online media and art Net art in terms of… Collaboration Identity Temporality Alternate realities
SM5312 week 1: course overview12 Online media and art Collaboration Artist artist Artist viewer / receiver / audience Audience as participant / creator / generator in a work
SM5312 week 1: course overview13 Online media and art Temporality Perception of time ‘online’ time vs. ‘real’ time Immediacy, “now-ness” Duration and durability
SM5312 week 1: course overview14 Online media and art Identity Individual identity Collective identity Physical / virtual identities (and the relationship between them) Location and dislocation Social implications Surveillance, Identity theft, etc. Cultural implications
SM5312 week 1: course overview15 Online media and art Alternate Realities ‘Extended’ identity MMORPGs Massive(ly) Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games ‘World of Warcraft’ ‘EverQuest’ Virtual Communities ‘Second Life’ Social implications of
SM5312 week 1: course overview16 Supporting material Online: Course Page Course Bookmarks On SCM Common Shared, J:Drive (SM5312 folder) Powerpoints and supporting files from each week’s lecture In Print: Text book: Web Design: A complete Introduction Chapman & Chapman. Wiley (2006) TK C Other Readings: (Will be provided as we move through the course)