Walsall Safeguarding Children Board Working in Partnership and Engaging Communities Working to keep Walsall’s children and young people safe
2 Working in Partnership Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART) Collaboration between statutory agencies and the voluntary sector
3 The Why Higher proportion of repeat victims than any other crime. Increasing number of referrals to Children’s Social Care Services Strong voluntary sector advocacy Rise in hospital admissions Unmanageable numbers of high risk perpetrators. Increasing demands on primary care services
4 The How Engagement with Community Safety Agenda Built on existing working relationships Clarified key priorities for individual services Enabled voluntary sector to play a key role
5 The Story So Far Clear pathway for all new police referrals Clarity about what we can offer perpetrators, children and victims Reduction in referrals to Children’s Services Early information sharing Single system for capturing information including service user views
6 Engaging Communities Madressah Good Practice Guide
7 The Catalyst Large scale child protection investigation Interviews with 196 children Serious allegations but no criminal charges Angry community response
8 The Approach Created time and space to speak to local communities Agreed a joint approach Negotiated consensus on key issues Must “do’s” agreed Appropriate independent cultural and religious advice Consultation with children and young people
9 The Story So Far Lasting relationships and points of contact Produced Good Practice Guide Delivered training to 150 Madressah staff
10 Key Messages Think about outcomes early on and how success will be measured Meaningful consultation and engagement Partnership working takes time Regularly review progress