Peter Kelly Introduction: Who I am and what I did Philosophy of impact evaluations How to do a good evaluation Collecting data Ethical issues Additional resources
Philosophy of impact evaluations Relationship to accountability –Why needed –Clean but fails –Corrupt but succeeds About the weakest aspect –Data quality –External validity 250-point checklist
How to do a good evaluation Think of yourself as an investor in a similar project—what do you want to know? Collect data yourself, know the language Ask respondents your research question directly—when? Adjust theory to reality, not vice versa, but beware of data mining
Collecting data No time like the present Don’t take no for an answer (advisers, bureaucrats, collaborators) Offer something to collaborators, make it part of a larger project Opinion on grants and conflicts of interest
Ethical issues Getting the right answer Research staff usually in much more danger than subjects
Additional resources Validity checklist Safety for staff members