1 Community Assessment Chapter 13 28/4/2007 Ahmad Adeeb.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Community Assessment Chapter 13 28/4/2007 Ahmad Adeeb

2 Introduction What does a community assessment involve? How can a community assessment engage families and community members? What factors are involved in understanding community assets? How should assessment information be used and by whom? How can a partnership use assessment results to move from planning to action?

3 Definition A community assessment: is an exercise by which a collaborative partnership gathers information on the current strengths, concerns, and conditions of children, families, and the community.

4 Community Assessment Process WHY?? To identify and document the opportunities, challenges, strengths, and needs of a specific geographic community and its residents.

5 Community Assessment Process WHY?? To build and strengthen relationships among community leaders, service providers and most importantly, community residents.

6 Community Assessment Process WHY?? To have the information needed to make good decisions for a community collaborative strategic planning.

7 Community Assessment Involves 1) scanning the community to locate existing information (2) developing a family focus (3) identifying community assets and the degree to which they are accessible to the people who can benefit from them (4) analyzing the information

8 Community Assessment Core Elements Planning and implementation is broad- based and inclusive. Use existing data and collect new data. Establish key roles. Identify issues of importance, needs and strengths in your county. Summarize and USE your findings.

9 Quick points Process is as important as the product. Assessment focuses not only on needs, but also on assets and resources. Assessment is multifaceted and uses multiple data collection strategies. It is not just about social services. It is not an academic process.

10 Community Assessment Process From planning and implementation committee. Review data. Determine need for data. Develop methods for data collection. Collect new data. Analyze data collected. Create report Share information with the community.

11 Useful Indicators for a Community Scan 1. Health Issues 2. Economic Conditions 3. School Success 4. Family Issues 5. Early Child Development

12 1- Health Issues Immunization rates for young children Percentage of babies with low birth weight Rates of early prenatal care Rates of births to single mothers under 18

13 2- Economic Conditions Poverty rates Number of students receiving free or reduced-price lunches Young adults in school or employed Housing mobility rates

14 3- School Success Measurement of academic achievement in challenging subject matter Student mobility rates School dropout and grade-retention rates

15 4- Family Issues Number of foster care placements Number of families on child care waiting lists Number of new and reopened Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) cases Juvenile incarceration rates

16 5- Early Child Development Rates of preschool participation Percentage of children with special needs Rates of adolescent parenting

17 Sources for Information Economic data: annual reports prepared by counties, and states. Public health data and vital statistics: State and local departments of health and human services. Education data: Education Statistics

18 Community Assessment Tool Community Assessment Tool focuses on five key elements: 1. Transportation. 2. Land-use and development. 3. Schools. 4. Parks, recreation, and trails. 5. Safety, security, and crime prevention.

19 Goal 1:Transportation Facilities and Services New Streets Existing Streets Maintenance Disabled Access Funding Street Network Choices

20 Goal 2:Land Use Planning and Development Smart Growth Community Development Traditional Neighborhood Development Commercial Development Trip Distance Trip Choice

21 Goal 3: Schools Location Access Site Design Control Cars Encouragement Community Center

22 Goal 4:Recreational Facilities, Parks and Trails New Development Existing Neighborhoods Access Smaller Sites Multipurpose Facilities Trails

23 Goal 5:Safety, Security and Crime Prevention Driver Behavior Vehicle Speeds Environmental Design Enforcement

24 Summary A community assessment enables collaborative partners to gather information about the strengths, concerns, and conditions of children, families, and the community.