Explaining Gender Hierarchies
Supernatural religious cosmologies origin stories
Woman created from man’s rib
Adam and Eve 2 conditions 1) subordinate to husband 2) bring forth children in pain
“Natural” Law “The relation of male to female is naturally that of the superior to the inferior – of the ruling to the ruled.” » - Aristotle “woman is naturally subject to man because in man the discretion of reason predominates.” » - Aquinas
Arguments from Nature Greek medical -- womb floats around female body so women are irrational and incapable of ruling themselves
Darwinian, sociobiologists sperm is active, warrior egg is passive sperm invades egg
Primatologists look at apes men fight each other women take care of children
Critique: Counterexamples Bonobos Spiders
Social Construction Theories
Good Old Days women once had greater authority moment historically when it all changes
Before patriarchy… Egalitarian societies no differences in sizes of houses no differences in sizes of burial plots no evidence of weapons evidence of “culture” – the arts evidence of women being held in high esteem
Rise of Dominator Societies BCE on – consolidation of power in hands of temple bureaucracy development of militarism – weapons institutionalization of slavery
Woman Slave Slavery – first institutionalized form of hierarchical dominance in human history Crucial invention - possibility of designating group to be dominated as “different” - Other - not human Predominance of female slaves over male
Slaves are “yoked”
Which Women? The Legacy of Sowing Division Among Women Hierarchy among men rested on property relations, reinforced by military might Women’s place in hierarchy mediated through the status of the men on whom they depended Somewhere above wives – exceptional women distinguished by virginity and religious service Top - wife Middle – slave- concubine Bottom - slave woman
..and then incorporating it into custom, law, religion, … Veil is symbol and emblem of married woman elevated to distinguishing mark - wearing it is made a privilege Distinction between women based on their sexual activities Women not under one man’s protection and sexual control are “public” - unveiled
Patriarchy – begun in violence and force – is institutionalized through: - customs - economics - religion - law - family structures - paradigms of thought