Cryptography: Keeping Your Information Safe
Information Assurance/Information Systems –What do we do? Keep information Safe Keep computers Safe –What do we use? New Technology Understanding of networks and computer systems Introduction I don’t like being sick…
What is Cryptography? Also known as secret writing The process of making and using codes to secure the exchange of information. The process or skill of communicating in or deciphering secret code or cipher.
What is a Cipher? A system of secret writing based on a key, or a set of predetermined rules or procedures The secret code used to convert information into something that is unreadable
Encryption and Decryption The process of converting ordinary information into something that is unreadable is known as encryption. The method of reversing the encrypted message by reverting the unreadable text back into its original form is known as decryption. Encryption makes it hard to understand, and decryption makes it easy again!
Caesar Cipher –One of the simplest encryption techniques –Named after Roman leader Julius Caesar who used the cipher to communicate with his generals –A type of substitution cipher where each letter in the message is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet –Also known as the shift cipher, Caesar's code, or Caesars shift Over 2 thousand years ago, I created this cipher to pass onto my generals so I could win battles.
Back to Encryption Encryption is a computer based cryptographic system that is used to keep your information safe. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) & Transport Layer Security (TSL) –cryptographic protocols(or set of rules) that provide security for communications over networks such as the Internet. HTTPS is secure –Uses SSL to secure the transfer of information HTTP is not secure
Information Leak Attackers stealing information by posting fake links in Facebook and Twitter A very similar fake web site of Twitter scammed everyone who visited it. –Twitter account information was stolen by everyone who tried to login.
Problems with Internet Browsing Not all websites you visit are secured (https) – – – The information you put into these sites are not secured. –Passwords –Usernames –Personal Information Because they are not secured, others can visit and see your information or steal your username and password.
Why is Encryption Important to You? Social Networking Sites –Twitter –Facebook –MySpace Shopping Web Sites –eBay –Amazon Links s Knowing about Encryption can help you make safe decisions when interacting with non secure websites. It will also help you identify when you are being tricked into giving out valuable personal information.
Why is Encryption Important to You? Encryption rules are there for a reason. The most common way a person can steal your information is by tricking you. –You give them information by entering it into a fake website. Phishing Fake –They steal it by using a program they said you needed to download to see a video or web site. If a site says you need to download something to see a video or the site, make sure it is from a trustworthy site. If you are not sure, do not download it.
How to Stay Safe Never input personal information into a site you do not know, or is fake. Both of these sites are fake. One is asking for donations based on research, the other is from typing in wrong. (
How to Stay Safe Make sure that the link you are clicking on and the URL are the same. This is a fake , asking for you to click on a link. The link you click on and the link it takes you to are different.
How to Stay Safe If you receive an that does not address you personally, delete it. –“Dear Customer” or “Hello Friend” are bad signs.
How to Stay Safe When inputting information to a site that you think is real, make sure that it is using a secure encryption protocol. Remember, https is a secure protocol.
What you can do Now Let your parents know what you learned today so that they do not make these mistakes. Ask them to look into downloading virus protection and encryption software to keep what information is stored on the computer safe.
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