Experimental tests of food limitation Larsen et al J. Mamm. 78: Becker et al Oikos 81:81-92 Boutin & Larsen 1993 J.Anim.Ecol. 78: Individual as the experimental unit
The effects of food supplementation on winter survival… p=0.07p=0.22
…body mass p=0.79p=0.27
…parturition date p=0.003p=0.73
…litter size p=0.14p=0.10
…weaning success p=0.63p=0.73
ReproductiveE nergetics Natural and experimental variation in litter size Short-term energetic and behavioural consequences Long-term life history consequences Humphries & Boutin 2000 Ecology 81: Humphries & Boutin J. Anim. Ecol. 65: Humphries & Boutin 1999 Can. J. Zool. 77:171-73
+/-/ 2 offspring Weigh and tag Maternal behaviour and energetics
Juvenile growth Treatment p=0.009Year p<0.001
Maternal behaviour Treatment p=0.54Year p<0.001
Maternal expenditure Treatment p=0.001 Temperature p<0.001
Post-weaning Juvenile Survival Treatment p=0.04