Literacy and the Importance of Arts/Dance Involvement By: Prince$$a
Integrated Arts Curriculum Arts can provide visual stimulation Arts facilitate learning and learning to read Students create scenes from books into art
Organizations Promote Arts Literacy Professional Development for Artists and Teachers After School & In School Arts Programs Community Involvement Student-to-Student Tutoring
Major Businesses Involved in Arts Education Crayola advertises children dancing and drawing their way to literacy Students can draw or write about their reading and dance their depictions Improve their recall of sequences of events Use their imaginations Increasingly grasp concepts
Dance Company Supports Literacy Through Arts Programs to increase desire to dance and enhance literacy Recognizes students’ needs are not all the same Outreach programs for students with special needs
National Standards for K-12 Arts Education Identifying and demonstrating movement elements and skills in performing dance Understanding choreographic principles, processes, and structures Understanding dance as a way to create and communicate meaning Applying and demonstrating critical and creative thinking skills in dance Making connections between dance and healthful living
National Standards for K- 12 Arts Education Cont. Demonstrating and understanding dance in various cultures and historical periods Making connections between dance and other disciplines Each Dance Standard addresses relativity to the classroom content Standards promote literacy and the arts
Conclusions Arts/Dance provides a place for all students to feel free and involved Dance has an innovative aspect to help enhance literacy by stimulating students visually