Web 2.0 Tools for Project Based Learning Kim Peacock, B.Ed., M.Ed. University of Alberta
My Personal Philosophy of PD… Inspiration Vs. Perspiration
Part 1 – What Is Web 2.0?
Web 2.0 Is Here… You are probably already using Web 2.0 tools in your day-to-day online life: Facebook Blogs Wikipedia Flickr/Picassa/etc…
What Are Web Applications? Allow you to perform tasks or create objects without software. Often known as “Web 2.0” applications. Often have an element of social interaction. Accessible from anywhere. Usually FREE!
The Web 2.0 Lexicon RSS feeds Tags Folksonomy Mash-Ups Widgets AJAX
Risks Applications go up and down. Applications get bought out. Web applications sometimes allow students to interact with other people online. Most tools have privacy settings to keep minors safe. Students’ privacy should be considered. Some tools can be completely private, but others not.
Risks Applications may create thing that can’t leave the confines of the particular web site (e.g./ can’t be downloaded to a disc/dvd/etc…) Students with computers at home may get to spend more time on projects than students without since it’s easily accessible.
Logistics Consider room setup. Consider privacy settings. Consider parental permission. Consider school/district technology policy. Consider addresses and sign- up logistics.
A Note On Blocking Some Web 2.0 sites may be blocked at your school… you can sometimes get around this. Submit a request to your technology department. Provide a pedagogical justification for the site to be unblocked at your school during a certain period of time. Describe how you will keep students safe.
Part 2 – Web 2.0 For Communicating & Connecting
Blogs and Wikis What are blogs and wikis? Blog Tools Wiki tools
Blogs and Wikis Class Blogs com/blog/ com/blog/ Class Wikis pbwiki.com/ wikispaces.com/ pbwiki.com/ wikispaces.com/ School Wiki
Blogs and Wikis Create a blog from the point of view of a historic figure. Create a blog to track observations about a classroom pet. Use a wiki to write a class “choose-your-own-adventure”. Use a wiki to showcase student work to parents.
Blogs and Wikis Use either as a portfolio of student work. Allow parents to join your blog or wiki so that they can comment and provide feedback to students. Have students do scribe posts to summarize instructional content ribe-post-november htmlhttp://816math.blogspot.com/2006/11/sc ribe-post-november html
Podcasts and Vidcasts Pod-O-Matic: Find and create podcasts Gcast: Podcast from any phone Podbean: Another podcast community Talkr: Blog to Podcast converter Student Podcast Samples: category/podcasting/ category/podcasting/
Podcasts and Vidcasts Teacher Tube: An online video archive like YouTube but safe for the classroom. Ustream: Create a live feed of a school event. Student Vidcast Samples: wordpress/?cat=12 wordpress/?cat=12
Podcasts and Vidcasts Make a podcast for Create an “Our City” Podcast for Do a weekly class podcast as a review/newsletter. room208vidcast.mp4 room208vidcast.mp4 Create a “captain’s log” of a famous historic voyage. Make a series of vidcasts to promote DPA (stretches, exercises, etc…) Create a series of podcast book reviews.
Podcasts and Vidcasts Create an old fashioned radio play. Create a pod/vidcast debate online. Have students create a podcast dictionary of vocabulary words. Have students create a series of vidcasts solving different kids of math problems. Have students summarize current events once a week.
Social Networking and Bookmarks MyNoteIt: Collaborative classroom notes Ning: Create a closed social network for your class. Del.icio.us: Social bookmarking
Presentations Google Documents: Create presentations from anywhere. Sliderocket: Make impressive looking presentations online. Zuiprezi: Non-linear presentations SPresent: High quality flash presentations Slideshare: Share presentations you’ve already made.
Part 3 – Web 2.0 for Research and Writing
Research Ottobib: Create bibliographic references using ISBN numbers. Trailfire: Create a path through the Internet and annotate web pages. Snipd: Copy and archive web content.
Research BubbleComments: Video annotations of web sites. comment.com/ comment.com/ Zoho Notebook: Multimedia texts incorporating images, video, text, sound and more.
Mind Mapping Bubbl.us: Collaborative mind mapping Gliffy: Collaborative mind mapping Mindmeister: Collaborative Mind Mapping meister.com/ meister.com/ Mindomo: Software interactive mind mapping
Mind Mapping Exploratree: Thinking Guides Text2MindMap: For students who prefer text. Mappio: Large online archive of mind maps.
Flickr and Digital Photography Flickr is a useful tool that allows you to upload and annotate images that can be made either public or private. Flickr Notes schooledmonton/ / schooledmonton/ /
Flickr and Digital Photography Flickr can be used for storyboarding or even visual storytelling. Flickr Stories groups/sixwordstory/discuss/ / groups/sixwordstory/discuss/ / Five Frame Flickr Story
Flickr and Digital Photography Have students do a photo scavenger hunt of math or science concepts and have them upload and annotate the images on flickr. Have students create an archive of writing prompts in Flickr and use the annotation tool to point out interesting questions or prompts.
Cartoons and Comic Books Pikistrips: Create comic books using photos ToonDoo: Create online comic books from scratch. BubbleSnaps: Upload images and annotate them with text bubbles. Toonlet: Create a character and write simple text
Cartoons and Comic Books Reasons for Exploration toondoo/ViewBook.toon? bookid= toondoo/ViewBook.toon? bookid=12301 The Importance of Squanto ViewBook.toon?bookid= ViewBook.toon?bookid=11741 Prince Henry’s Contributions Book.toon?bookid= Book.toon?bookid=11706
Google Sites: More in depth Sample: googleclassrooms.org/ mrs-richau/Home googleclassrooms.org/ mrs-richau/Home ThinkQuest: Online Learning Projects index.html index.html Web Spaces
Other free web page apps… Protopages: More interactive web sites Student Sample:
Part 4 – Web 2.0 for Multimedia Projects
Basic Skills Right click to: Copy image Save image Copy shortcut Find code to cut and paste from within various programs.
Copyright Be safe and legal… use copyright free items. Photos:
Copyright Sounds: Videos: More: Directory of web site with legal content for schools and companies to use. ory:Content_Directory ory:Content_Directory
Video Annotation Bubble Ply: Add bubbles and captions to video Overstream: Add bubbles and captions to video Examples: Pop-up-video 6f dd7-e b9 6f dd7-e b9 Language/translation tool 5-E35B-4F64-AA80-D4C1A220102F 5-E35B-4F64-AA80-D4C1A220102F
Video Annotation Use video annotation to have students analyze speeches. Use video annotation to have students express an opinion ona video or news clip. Use video annotation for formative feedback for student work (e.g./ video recordings of PE). Use video annotation to create an instructional video (with written in steps).
Screencasting Screencast-O-Matic: Capture and post what’s on your computer screen. Examples: Assessment / Peer Feedback matic.com/watch/ciQZXIgH matic.com/watch/ciQZXIgH Instructional Content matic.com/watch/ciQlh3Ap matic.com/watch/ciQlh3Ap
Screencasting Flowgram: Record and comment on web sites and other documents. Sketchcast: Capture and post what’s on your tablet or SmartBoard.
Screencasting Use Sketchcast to capture and post class notes online quickly. Use Screencast-o-Matic to create an archive of extra credit work that can be used year after year. Use Screencast-o-Matic to orally assess student work Use either to create videos for parents so that they can help their child with homework. Use Sketchcast to help assess student difficulties in areas like problem solving (have students talk through their work).
Map Applications Google Maps: Create unlimited maps with annotated locations. Community Walk: Create maps with slightly more multimedia capability. Example: calgary/alberta/my_first_neighborhood /map/ calgary/alberta/my_first_neighborhood /map/140666
Map Applications Quickmaps: Annotate and mark up maps. YourGMap: Create maps with addresses or latitude/longitudes.
Map Applications Have students create a mapped journal of an historic trip. Have students create a virtual field trip based on a class field trip. Have students create a map of a science process (e.g./ where garbage goes or the path of a can as it goes to be recycled). Have students complete a reflective health project, mapping places of importance in their life.
VoiceThread VoiceThread: Not really like anything else… Almost like a wiki/blog with audio… it allows users to annotate and expand images with voice recordings
VoiceThread Create an oral history archive such as: If all of your students have internet access, do a daily homework question on Voicethread. Have students create a talking storybook. Look through the many examples of teacher projects already on Voicethread!
3D Spaces Mapwing: Build and share virtual tours Example: St Joseph’s College (University of Alberta) Virtual Tour explore/view_tour.php?t= IELIBsIwwYLNIsa explore/view_tour.php?t= IELIBsIwwYLNIsa
3D Spaces Photosynth: Create and view 3D virtual tours using photos. SceneCaster: Create 3D web spaces
3D Spaces Have students create a virtual tour of the community using Mapwing. Have students create an authentic ecosystem using SceneCaster. Have students create a 3D tour of an important historic location in your town or city. Have students create a scale mode of their bedroom in SceneCaster.
Interactive Timelines xTimeline: Historic interactive timelines. com/index.aspx?t= 5&l=en-US com/index.aspx?t= 5&l=en-US Dipity: Interactive timelines with additional multimedia. OurStory: Personal interactive timelines.
Interactive Timelines Have students create a timeline of a scientific process (e.g./ the lifecycle of an animal). Have students create a year plan for the goals they would like to achieve in your course. Have students add to existing public timelines on xTimeline.
Multimedia & Digital Storytelling Motionbox: Create and edit video online – no software required. Jaycut: Create and edit video online. One True Media: Video montages media.com/ media.com/
Multimedia & Digital Storytelling Funtigo: Create online scrapbooks. Vuvox: Make interactive panoramas and movies. Animoto: Upload and assemble short photo commercials online.
Others… Letterpop newsletter maker Geni family tree maker Lulu self publishing Popfly basic game creator Dabbleboard whiteboard
Others… And many, many more… web2point0forteachershttp:// web2point0forteachers
Tools… Did any tool stand out to you as particularly useful? Did any tool stand out to you as particularly useless?
Thank You! web2point0forteachers/ web2point0forteachers/ University of Alberta Technology Graduate Programs