Spam and
Spam Spam is unwanted usually meant to sell something to the recipient. If a business or organization with which you are affiliated (bank, museum, etc.) sends you information, it is not technically spam, although you may not wish to receive it. Name is possibly inspired by the old Monty Python sketch.
Spam Lies It might state that you asked to be on the mailing list. It might state that it will remove you from its mailing list if you ask. It might make claims about an amazing product or deal. LIES LIES LIES!!!
Avoiding Spam Set up a separate account (like on yahoo) to receive any that could lead to spam and more spam. Provide this account for subscriptions, warranty cards, or other commercial requests. You should be able to give your real address out to friends, schools, government. Uncheck boxes that ask if you are willing to be sent that reflects “your interests”, etc..
Filters (if you’re getting spam) Most programs have a filtering system. Very general: varying degree of sensitivity. Can sometimes tell to block certain domains. Many third party programs exist. Computer magazines review them.
Dealing With Spam s Never use the link that states to “click here to be removed from mailing list.” It’s a scam to confirm your . If an established company (your bank) sends you a message, can use the “click here to be removed” option. Don’t click on the link to learn more (although sometimes it’s hard to resist.)
Your Web Pages and Spam Never put a web address on a web page. Use a graphic to hide the text that appears. Rework the HTML: “@” is the (at-sign), and that “.” is the ".” So, would
Discussion Groups and Spam When posting on Usenet: Give a fake Give your spam (yahoo) Add an obvious phrase:
Is Always Appropriate? Ask if the best way to communicate? (sensitive material, slower to write) Don’t to avoid contact. Don’t when you’re angry. Resist humor and tongue-in-cheek comments if they can be misunderstood. There will be a record. Don’t send spam.
Writing Carefully Be concise Proofread the (spell check) Save the frequently (draft) Check address Create a clear subject (add “Action”, “FYI”, or “Urgent”) Avoid capital letters Announce attachments
Replying to Scan all message to see if situation has changed Don’t return all of sender’s message (cut and paste) Revise subject line if subject changes
Formatting Use design in longer messages (bullets, headings) Date and address provided by program Include salutation (“Dear Jane:” or “Jane”) Double space between paragraphs Make any important questions into a paragraph. Don’t hit return after each line Avoid all capitals or all lowercase Include your name and/or signature at end. Closing optional (“Sincerely”, “All the best”.)
Writing s Introduction, Body, Conclusion Active voice Make listed items parallel List steps: “To find a web site, turn on the computer, open Internet Explorer, and then type the URL of the website.”
s that Inform What the is about Why a policy or event is occurring What are the procedures for the policy or event
s that Request Requests should be respectful and courteous Directions should be written clearly Precise deadlines should be provided
s that Respond Concisely summarize the response and date of request Provide information Summarize information
s that Sell Send targeted s Offer something special for recipient Make it easy to receive offer Keep message short and conversational Focus on “you” Develop only one or two points Allow for removal from mailing list Make it easy to respond
Net Acronyms BFN: Bye for now BTW: By the way GR8: Great IMO: In my humble opinion LOL: Laughing out loud POV: Point of view ROTFL: Rolling on the floor laughing TIA: Thanks in advance Page
Emoticons :-) or :) Smiling :-( or :( Frowning :-o Shock ;-) or ;) Winking Page 226