Why Doesn't Warren Buffett Just Write the Government a Check? By Cal Thomas Published August 17, 2011 | FoxNews.com
Coddling the Super-Rich Why not Give his Secretary a Raise? Warren Buffett, the multi-billionaire, thinks he doesn't pay enough taxes. He wants the government to tax him more because he says as a percentage of income he pays less in tax than his secretary. -- Maybe he should give his secretary a raise. …
Coddling the Super-Rich He Could Give More to the Government There is an Office of Public Debt in the Treasury Department which exists so that people who think the government isn't already getting enough of their money can pay more. …
Coddling the Super-Rich Spending Cuts, Not Higher Taxes is the Solution: Does Buffett know that even if the government confiscated all of his wealth and that of every billionaire and millionaire in the country, its effect on debt reduction would be minuscule? That's because revenue isn't the problem; spending is the problem. Government is the Problem, Not the Solution: Whenever government gets more of our money, it doesn't use it to pay down debt. It spends it on new programs, or expands existing ones. Giving more money to government hoping it will reduce debt is like giving blood to Dracula, hoping he will stop looking at our necks.
Coddling the Super-Rich Spending Cuts, Not Higher Taxes is the Solution: Does Buffett know that even if the government confiscated all of his wealth and that of every billionaire and millionaire in the country, its effect on debt reduction would be minuscule? That's because revenue isn't the problem; spending is the problem. Government is the Problem, Not the Solution: Whenever government gets more of our money, it doesn't use it to pay down debt. It spends it on new programs, or expands existing ones. Giving more money to government hoping it will reduce debt is like giving blood to Dracula, hoping he will stop looking at our necks.
Coddling the Super-Rich Why Fund an Irresponsible Government? The larger question is: Why would anyone want to send more money to government which is such a poor steward of it? Sending Child Off to College If you send your child off to college with an allowance and he blows it on partying the first weekend and calls to ask for more, you'd be a fool to send it to him. You would be subsidizing wrong decisions and bad behavior.
Coddling the Super-Rich Supply-Side: We are All on the Sam Side: Increase Taxes If it makes Buffett feel better to send the government more of his money, let him do so. I'd rather invest mine in a way that increases the likelihood of job creation which will then produce more in taxes that the government can misspend.