Danish Sea Farming of Trout The Ugly Duckling of Danish Food Production Karl Iver Dahl-Madsen
About Denmark o No novice in food production o Major pig farming cluster o 1 Danish Farmer produces food for 150 people o We are European leaders in fresh water trout production since late 1800 o We invented eel farming in recirculated systems in 1980 o And surely wanted to take part in sea farming of trout
Great Expectations o In the late seventies: o Many Sea Farms established o Lot’s of optimism o Booming business o The Start of a Trout Cluster?
Dead Lobsters o Also in the late Seventies: o Increasing fertiliser output from agriculture o Oxygen deficit in coastal waters o Lobsters dying o Big outcry, clean water act: o STOP Seafarming
1 Billion Nkr. Month o Danish Sea Farming fell asleep: o 8000 t fish/yr=300 mio.DKR o Norwegian fish farming boomed o t fish/yr=1 bio. NKr/Month!
The Revenge of the Civil Servants o Denmark is not Corrupt! o However, civil servants may have their own agendas o All kinds of disproportionate information were put forward o Also from NGO’s o And the Industry kept quiet
Aquaculture in Denmark Stagnated Stagnation! Caused by (Valid) Environmental Concerns
What Did We Miss? Exports to the Value of 1/2 of a Great Belt Bridge!
Science is Conquering o The Sea farm Industry fought back o With good solid science o And the winds started to change
The Seafarm Committee, Spring 2003 o Initiative from a multipartisan parlamentary Network o Recommends growth in Danish Sea Farming o With due respect for environmental concerns o The national and local politicians are discussing what to do km 2 fit for sea farming
The Dilemma o Promoting Growth, Production, Exports and Employment o Vs. Increased Environmental Stress o Not an easy choice in these years of oxygen problems in Danish Waters Oxygen in Danish Waters Today at 12:00
What Do the Sea Farmers Want? o Room to produce what the market demands o Up to tons trout produced o Decoupling of production and environmental impact o The limit is market and space: tons ? tons? Musholm Lax: t/yr
What Do the NGO’s Want? o Even a small increase in load is too much o NIMBY (NIMCO): All seafarms to Norway or Chile? o Landbased farms o Denmark to live off IT, biotech & entertainment?
The Solution Is Increased Environmental Efficiency Agriculture can increase production? Why not Aquaculture?
Sea Farm N-Efficiency
Mariculture & Environment in Denmark o Area Demand: 2 km 2 = 0.02 ppt of the Danish territorial waters o Organic load impact below and close to the cages o 250 tons N/yr: app. 2 ppt of the net flux of N through the Danish waters
Dilution is a Solution o Not seen as political correct, but it works o And is always part of any full solution: Harremoes, Ambio, 96 o The SFC recommends the location of seafarms at more exposed and less sensitive locations
Other Solutions o Continuous increases in food and feeding efficiency o Sludge removal? o More accurate Environmental Management: The Virtual Sea Farm o Landbased farms: is not a solution: Energy,Finances
SFC Recommends Catch Cultures: Mussels & Macroalgae