1 MICE Beamline PID w Aerogel Counters Lucien CremaldiAerogel R&D and Test Beam Ghislain GregoireDesign and Simulation Don SummersAerogel Procurement & Mirrors Jim Reidy Jr. -Quarknet Teacher - TB Aerogel Counter David Sanders, Peter Sonnek, Brooke Rankins- R&D, DAQ Mike Reep and Scott Watkins-Machine Shop Romulus Godang - GEANT4, RECO Matsusita-Aerogel Samples Hideyuki SakamotoG4MICE Vittorio PalladinoPID Watchdog Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
2 2 Threshold Aerogel Counters Aerogel Counter Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
3 A B C ISIS Beam Line
4 Beam Spot at z = Beam Spot at z = 20.76m 4x4 Aerogel Array Provides ample coverage. ~95% containment in 3x3. Array is offset from x,y = 0,0. Triangle tiles can reduce cost. Variation of Beam Spot size over counter length is minimal. Triangle tiles Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
5 Matsushita Electric Works Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
6 Matsushita Aerogel Samples n=1.03n=1.07(1.08)n= x 115 x 10.5 mm x 115 x 11.5 mm 3 Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
7 Matsushita Aerogel Samples(2) Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
C = T = A exp{ -t C/ 4 } Rayleigh-like nAC t(nm) sample thickness (nm) wavelength Forward Transmittance Blue photons are re-scattered w dN/dq = 1+cos 2 . Absorption believed to be minimal Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
9 Scattering Length T=To exp(-x/xo) Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
10 Muon Momentum Sprectra Run Configuration of good Mu/Pi (T.Roberts) Muons Peaking at 220 MeV/ c Pion show high energy tail (p>350 MeV/c removed by tracking??) Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
11 PE Threshold Plots Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
12 Muon Detection Efficiency The efficiency at low momenta could be improved by increasing the thickness of the radiator The efficiency drop at low momenta is due to the proximity of the muon threshold in n=1.12 aerogel Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
13 Unambiguous separation of muons and pionsMisidentified pions in the range 285 to 320 MeV/c (32 pions / 385 muons) Remember: the pion sample is exaggerated by a factor 40 i.e. an actualpion impurity in this configuration only There is no need for a momentum cut Momentum Distributions of Triggers 112on/107off112on/107on
14 Purity Matrix(4) Purity = Percent of good muons for a particular Trigger Configuration. Muon Purity >99%Pion Misid < 1.2 x 10-4 Purity 107off/112off107off/112on107on/112on Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
15 Aerogel CounterDesign (1) Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
16 Aerogel Counter Design (2) Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
17 Dimensions (3) Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
18 Radiator (4) Collection Mirror 3mm Lexan Sheet Radiator Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
19 Conical Mirror (4) 2-axis elliptical cone Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
20 Paper Model (5) Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
21 Test Beam(1) Test Beam(1) Fermilab Meson Test July'06 Beam 150 GeV p (b=1) Aerogel 1.03, 1.07, GeV/c p aerogel Tyvek Rotating Table Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
22 Test Beam(2) Test Beam(2) 20 PE 24 PE 107 ADC counts 112 ADC counts Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
23 Road Map Price (2 det) -64 Aerogel x $350USD ~ $25K -Reflectors $5K -Steele Boxes $5K -Table $5K -Installation and checkout$5K -Shipping$5K -(8-12) PMTs HARPok ~50-60K ~50-60K -Parts Fabricated in UM shop. -Mechanical Drawings GG. -Mirrors Coated by Outside Vendor. Summer ‘06 = FNAL 1x1x1 module white reflector Measure pe yields May ‘07 Mechanical Assembly Fall- 06 Mechanical fabrication Reflectors/Cones Aerogel purchase?? Summer ‘07 Aerogel Installation at RAL Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,
24 Aerogel Technology well suited to augment m p PID in MICE beamline. Photoelectron yield adequate for high efficiency and low misid rate. Mechanical design highly advanced. Fabrication staightforward. Ready to install in MICE in Fall ‘07. TRD Update & Saftey Sheets completed (Ghislain). PID Review set for Oct at RAL Meeting. Summary Lucien Cremaldi*, MICE Collaboration Meeting Oct 8-11, RAL.,