Millennium Cataloging in Release 2005 Georgia Fujikawa Manager, Training Programs
Release 2005
Catalog (formerly Quick Edit) Navigation bar Changes
Global Update Headings Reports Millennium Editor Create Lists Data Exchange Millennium General
Global Update
New Commands Add data to beginning of variable- length field Add data to end of variable-length field Copy variable-length field Change non-MARC field to MARC Change MARC field to non-MARC [all IUG ballot items]
Global Update Five new commands
New Commands Add data to beginning of variable-length field –Allows you to add a string of text to the beginning of MARC and non-MARC fields –For MARC fields, if a subfield is specified (e.g., "|fREF"), a new subfield will be added before the first existing subfield. If no subfield is specified (e.g., “REF"), the string will be added to the first existing subfield. Add data to end of variable-length field –Allows you to add a string of data to the end of MARC and non-MARC fields –The data is always added after the last character in the field, INCLUDING punctuation.
Global Update
New Commands Copy variable-length field –Allows you to create a new field with data from an existing field, without affecting the existing field –For example, you can create 229 Journal Title fields from 245 Title fields in order to create a Journal Title index
Global Update
New Commands Change non-MARC field to MARC –Provides the ability to change non-MARC fields to MARC fields –All data will be put in subfield “a” Change MARC field to non-MARC –Provides the ability to change MARC fields to non-MARC fields –MARC tag, indicators and subfield codes are removed
Global Update
Preview Panel A new drop-down on the Preview tab giving the option to display: –All Entries –Entries with Changes (only records that will be changed) –Entries with No Changes (only records that will not be changed).
Global Update
Busy Records The ability to create a review file of all records not updated because they were in- use by another process –Set in Admin | Settings | Global Update, by checking "Create Review File of Busy Records" –Review file created is a special review file (one that does not use a numbered review file until you copy it into one via the Copy toolbar icon in Create Lists) After the busy records are cleared, the copied review file can be used in Global Update to finish changing all desired records –Command tab: File | Save to save your command set –Command tab: File | Load allows you to re-execute the commands without re-keying them
Admin | Settings | Global Update Create Review File of Busy Records
Global Update
Update, Save or Both Global Update Save your strategy
INN-View Authority File Update, Save or Both Create Lists Copy special review file to standard review file
Global Update Review file of busy records
INN-View Authority File Update, Save or Both Global Update Load the saved command set
INN-View Authority File Update, Save or Both Global Update No need to re-input!
Headings Reports
Option to exclude from the Blind Headings report all authorized headings that are used on bib records only with subdivisions
Blind Headings Report Example: “Film Noir” on only 1 bib
Headings Reports If you have: Authority record: 150 Film noir Bibliographic recs: Film noir|zGermany Film noir|zOregon etc. And you delete the last bib that has: Film noir The authority record will NOT be reported as a blind heading
Millennium Editor “Catalog” on the navigation bar
Cataloging Date Single-key updating of CAT DATE with the current date from anywhere in the bib record –Menu: Edit | Update Cat Date (2) –Put it in a macro: %ALT+e%2
Update CAT DATE from anywhere in record Catalog
%ALT+e%2 Admin | Settings | Macros
Brief Record Display Equivalent 880 fields can be displayed in the brief record in Millennium –Bibliographic and authority records –Admin | Settings | Record Display | Brief Display Check "Display equivalent 880 fields"
Main fields and their equivalent 880s Brief Record
Summary Panel Functionality New item sort option: Location/Call#/Volume (descending)/Copy# –In addition to Location/Call#/Volume (ascending)/Copy# sort –Especially desirable for items whose volume number is a year Transfer attached records regardless of accounting or serial unit –Similarly, checkin/holdings records can be transferred from one bibliographic record to another regardless of serials unit –Separate authorization Maximum number of items that can be attached to a bibliographic record can be increased to 5000
Item Sort Options Summary of items
Create Lists
Last record searched will display in the bottom status bar –Record number will be refreshed periodically Option to include equivalent 880s in search, sort, list, print –When searching records, if any field searched is linked to an 880 field, that 880 field will also be included in the search (e.g., when searching author fields, search both the 100 field and its linked 880 field, which has "100" in subfield 6) –Set in Admin | Settings | Create Lists, by checking "Include equivalent 880s." –Lists thus created will then sort, list, and print equivalent 880s
Create Lists Last record searched
Create Lists Include equivalent 880s
Data Exchange
MARC Label File Exporting to OCLC now supports a separate "MARC Label file" –New OCLC requirement –Formerly, OCLC required a header within the MARC file itself –Read/Write MARC Records in character-based system also supports the new format
Data Exchange Output to OCLC
Data Exchange Input local variables
Data Exchange Label file automatically created
Data Exchange FTP label file first
Millennium General
Default Cursor Position: Index or Input box –Specify a default starting index by login. [IUG ballot item] Free busy record by barcode –Authorized staff can free a busy record by wanding in the barcode, in addition to doing so by keying in the record number. [IUG ballot item] The ability to print the browse screen –When searching, if a browse is returned, the print option will be available in the toolbar. Millennium Login Administration –Create and administer logins from within the Millennium client –Admin | Login Manager: new, edit, delete options for logins Millennium Passwords and Authorizations Administration –Create and administer password authorizations in the Millennium client –Admin | Passwords and Authorizations: new, edit, delete authorizations, authorize by function, authorize by group, etc.
Release 2006 Preview
Planned for Millennium Cataloging 2006 Global Update: new command (IUG ballot item) –Delete a subfield regardless of contents Spine label printing enhancements (IUG ballot item) –More label formats –More options in label stock (laser and continuous) –More control over what gets printed New Record Wizard: "Previous" button (IUG ballot item) –Allow the user to go back to the previous dialog box, so they can change their input Millennium Cataloging 2006
Planned for Millennium Cataloging 2006, continued Millennium Editor Summary: Visual cue to alert user that bib record is suppressed (IUG ballot item) –Option to display the bib record number in a color such as red if the bib record is suppressed Millennium Editor: Allow search via hot link from indexed fields in records (IUG ballot item) Maintain Record Links and suppressed records (IUG ballot item) –If attached record is suppressed, do not update the Locations field in the bib for that record Millennium Cataloging 2006
Other functionality planned for Millennium 2006 Browse displays should be columnar (IUG ballot item) Happiness software (for Japanese) incorporated in Millennium Cataloging Create Lists (IUG ballot items) –Scheduler –Find records with multiple occurrences of a field –Add individual records to an empty review file –Checkin card searches: make sure all searchable elements will also be sortable, listable and exportable Millennium 2006
Thank you!