Page 1, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Euroluna: Progress and current status, April 2010 Palle Haastrup.


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Presentation transcript:

Page 1, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Euroluna: Progress and current status, April 2010 Palle Haastrup

Page 2, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Content Google Lunar XPrize History Organisation Journey Design Time schedule

Page 3, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Google Lunar X prize Soft-land a private space craft on the moon, drive 500 m, send back video and win: 20 million $ 1 st prize 5 million $ 2 nd prize 5 x 1 million $ bonus prizes NASA is considering to increase the prizes

Page 4, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Mission of Euroluna 1.Participate in the GLXP challenge 2.Put a remote operated vehicle on the Moon from a Low Earth - or Geo Transfer-Orbit 3.WIN the first prize 4.Afterwards …

Page 5, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. History Sep. 2007Founding the association Euroluna European Lunar Exploration Association (Denmark) Nov. 2008Registration for Google Lunar Xprize (USA) Mar. 2009Euroluna (DK) opens it office premises (Denmark) April 2009First full time staff May 2009First hardware order Feb. 2010First launch agreement signed Apr. 2010OBC, Cameras, Radio delivered

Page 6, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Organisation for GLXP Team name:Euroluna President:Palle Haastrup Craft Name:ROMIT Main web site: Euroluna News at Blogon GLXP site YouTube:Euroluna Facebook:Group Euroluna

Page 7, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Team: Management Team of Scientists Drive Small Overhead Specialists in IT, Materials, and Physics

Page 8, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Partners GomSpace, Denmark –Hardware and software for cubesat NanoMind, NanoCam, NanoCom Solar panels, attitude control, ….. Austrian Institute of Technology –Ion motor

Page 9, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Status April 2010 Mini Romit I –Computer OK –Cameras OK –Radio OK –Solar cells –Power supply –Ion motor –High voltage power supply (10 KV)

Page 10, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Mini Romit 1

Page 11, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Mini Romit I Launch: December 2010, from Tonga Provider: Inter Orbital Systems Launch agreement signed, ……half the price paid! CONTRIBUTIONS VERY WELCOME

Page 12, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Romit cube sat Purpose: –Show the world and ourselves that we can do it! –Launch at low budget –Test under real space conditions the command and control and camera module –Test the propulsion module Make a world record: –1 st time a someone moves a cube sat (more than a few m/s). –1 st time a private organization aims for the moon –1 st time it is done on a shoe-string budget.

Page 13, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Computer module

Page 14, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. OnBoard Computer (OBC)

Page 15, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Communication module

Page 16, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. How to get out of rocket ?

Page 17, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Tonga and power!

Page 18, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Ion motor power supply

Page 19, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Thrust level from ion motor How much thrust is needed ? 30 micro newton: we fall down  31 micro newton: we move away from earth

Page 20, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Altitude loss with 30mN

Page 21, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Altitude gain with 31mN

Page 22, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. From Earth orbit to the Moon How to get from miniRomit to the Moon ? “Do it again…” Increase rocket fuel on board Incorporate landing module Incorporate wheels..

Page 23, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Winning the price… Future ideas (speculations!!): Landing assist module (L) 2 x ½ Rover module (rover module A and B)


Page 25, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. ROMIT: Onboard telemetry

Page 26, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. ROMIT: Electrical system

Page 27, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. SystemConsumption/Production in Watt Motors10 W for normal operation, 5 w/motor for exceptions Camera3 W Motor for turning camera1 W Computer1.5 W Radio Transmitter3 W Production with 3 layer solar cells, max 17 W ROMIT Power consumption

Page 28, 2010, © EUROLUNA Ltd. Don’t fall asleep. Do donations! Support very welcome!!! Thank you for your attention