E-Voting Machine - Design Presentation Group M1 Bohyun Jessica Kim Jonathan Chiang Chi Ho Yoon Donald Cober Mon, Nov 17 ExtractedRC simulation More Layout Secure Electronic Voting Terminal
Data Bus Machine Init FSM User ID FSM Selectio n FSM Confirm ation FSM Display User ID SRAM Message ROM Card Reader Fingerprint Scanner Encryption Key SRAM User Input Write-in SRAM Choice SRAM TX_Check Selection Counter Key Register XOR 8 bit Full Adder 8 bit Full Adder 8 bit Full Adder 8 bit Full Adder XOR 8 bit MUX bit Add/Sub 01 8 bit MUX 16bi t REG 8-bit REG COMMS Register Shift Registe r In Shift Registe r Out constant init
COMMS Extracted RC Simulations functioning Buffering added to fix glitches
Unbuffered Simulation
Buffered Simulation
FSM Extraceted RC simulations work 33% of the layout still needs to be cleaned up
FSM Layout
FSM Encoder Layout
Set/ Reset Flip Flop
6 state encoder
10 state encoder
12 state encoder
2 Bit Counter
Extended Counters
D Flip Flop Layout
“!J” Toggle / Reset flip flop
2bit CounterLayout
6bit Counter Layout
FSM Simulation (extractedRC)
SRAM Row decoders: Complete and LVSing SRAM layout: Complete and LVSing ExtractedRC Simulation In Progress Next time: More Simulation for ExtractedRC
6 bitDecoder ExtractedRC Rise Time
6 bit Decoder ExtractedRC Fall Time
SRAM Cell Write ExtratedRC Simulation
SRAM Cell Write ExtratedRC Rise Time
SRAM Cell Write ExtratedRC Fall Time
SRAM Plus 2 bit Decoder with Tristate Buffers Area: by Transistor: 306 Density: 0.366
SRAM Plus 3 bit Decoder with Tristate Buffers Area: by Transistor: 518 Density: 0.445
Extra Blocks Selection counter finished an simulated
Selection Counter
Seleection Counter Simulation
TODO: Merge Our Cadence Directories Finish Layout cleanup Layout: User Input, Key Register, Message ROM Global Inter connects Simulations