Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/20021 NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY PERSPECTIVE ON VEHICLE EMISSIONS MANAGEMENT ISSUES by Tanwir Y. Mukawi Deputy Minister for Environmental Impact Management from Non Institutional Sources MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 2002
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/20022 Currently air pollution is an issue of great concern in Indonesia Emission from motor vehicles are the major source of air pollution in Indonesia especially in the larger cities. Upholding appropriate emission standards will be essential to control the increasing rate of air pollution monitor caused by motor vehicle owners and manufacturers. The option to adopt standards and test procedures already widely used internationally would be less costly in developing the national emission standards. We encourage harmonization of standards within the Asia Pacific region (JASIC G/I Meeting Manila, 2002) I.INTRODUCTION
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/20023 Motor vehicles’ contribution to air pollution emission of NOx in the Greater Jakarta area accounted to 70% whereas emissions of CO and HC accounted for more than 90%. Based on vehicle type, the passenger cars group such as taxis, van and passenger cars accounts to CO emissions amounting to 58%. CO emissions from motorcycle, bus, and trucks accounts for 21%, 14% and 7% respectively. Passenger car group and motor vehicles are also major contributors of HC emissions. Both passenger car group and motorcycles produced approximately 40% HC emissions respectively. II.CURRENT STATUS OF MOTOR VEHICLES’ IMPACT ON AIR POLLUTION
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/20024 Passenger car group emitted more than 50% of NOx and buses emitted around 30%. The emission of SOx and particulate are almost equally shared by passenger car group, buses and trucks. Motorcycles emission for both parameters accounted for about 1%. The number of motor vehicles in Indonesia increased significantly at an average of 13% growth per year during the period 1997 to 1998 (see next slide). II.CURRENT STATUS OF MOTOR VEHICLES’ IMPACT ON AIR POLLUTION
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/20025 Table 1.Motor vehicles in Jakarta and Indonesia (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2001) Motor vehicle TypeJakartaIndonesia Passenger car1,237,7783,038,913 Bus311,627666,280 Truck397,0761,707,134 Motorcycle2,212,96113,563,017 TOTAL4,159,44218,975,334 Table 2.Emission load estimation from motor vehicles in greater Jakarta, ton/year (JICA, 1996) YearCOHCNOxSOxPM ,29297,78898,7888,14221, ,154,493196,879233,91318,9919,563 Growth (%)
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/20026 The State Minister for Environment established standards for motor vehicle exhaust emission in 1993 in accordance with The Traffic and Road Transport Act (1992) and The Environment Management Act (1997). The decree stipulates the permissible limits of CO and HC using idling test modes and black smoke by free acceleration as key parameters and were applied to conduct periodical inspection and maintenance testing for license renewal, namely to commercial vehicles. II.CURRENT STATUS OF MOTOR VEHICLES’ IMPACT ON AIR POLLUTION
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/20027 The main institutions involved in determining exhaust emission standard at present is The Ministry of Environment, Dept. of Communication, Dept. of Energy and Mining Resources as well as the city local government. As ECE regulations are widely used within the region, GOI plans to use ECE emission standards and methods to regulate emissions for new vehicles in Indonesia. The new type approval emission standards are phased in the following steps as follows: Step I, 2003 – 2005 : approaching Euro I standards Step II, 2006 – 2008: within Euro I standards Step III, beyond 2009: within Euro II standards. III.FUTURE GOVERNMENT POLICY AND STRATEGY
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/20028 Table 3 : Emission Standards for New Vehicles (Light Duty Vehicles) Country EU Euro 1Euro 2Euro 3Eiro4Euro 5 Banglades h Euro 2 (under discussion) Cambodia No specific emission standards for new vehicles Hong Kong Euro 1Euro 2Euro 3 India (Delhi & other cities ) Eu ro 1 Euro 2Euro 3 India (Entire Country) Euro 2E3 Indonesia Intermediat e phase (leaded) Euro 1 (proposed)Euro 2 (prop) Malaysia Euro 1Euro 2 Nepal Euro 1 Philippine s Euro 1 PR China Euro 1Euro 2 Singapore Euro 1Euro 2 Sri Lanka Euro 1 Sri-Lanka Taipei,China US Tier 1 Thailand Euro 1Euro 2Euro 3Euro4 Vietnam Gasoline Euro 1Euro 4 (under consideration) diesel Euro 1Euro 2E3E3 E4E4
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/20029 Stringent standards requires emission control equipment and improvement in fuel quality. This requires unleaded gasoline and low sulfur content in diesel fuel. Promotion of alternative fuel (CNG and LPG) in Greater Jakarta: Initially introduce in the 90’s for taxis, but faced many constraint (i.e. pricing policy, limited infrastructure). Renewed commitment by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Minister of Industry and Trade, Minister of Communication and State Minister of Environment. Ministry of Environment assigned to chair Committee on Gas Fuel for Transportation involving sector agencies, local government, state oil agency and private sectors. Unleaded gasoline introduced in steps: Greater Jakarta : July 2001 Cirebon, West Java : October 2001 Bali: January 2003 Batam: June 2003 Semarang : August 2003 Surabaya: August 2003 All Indonesia: 31 December 2004 FUEL QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/ Indonesia also has high issue with particulates with a majority emitted from diesel vehicles mainly used by commercial vehicles such as large and medium buses. The sulfur content in diesel fuel is still high at 5000 ppm (0.5%). Tokyo in its New Ordinance on Environmental Preservation is developing an environmental information disclosure. Car dealers are required to explain the environmental information on new vehicle to the buyers. MoE is initiating a mandatory disclosure for vehicle emissions program (market mechanism tool). Has receive support from Singapore and the Philippines National regulation is being formulated and expected to be decreed by end of LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE FROM OTHER COUNTRIES 1.TOKYO, JAPAN
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/ Indonesia is seeking for partnership in this activity with other Asia Pacific countries. Program will enable to set performance criteria to different types of motor vehicles labeled as environmental friendly. …..TOKYO
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/ Indonesia has established an air quality network monitoring capability in 10 cities in Indonesia comprising 33 integrated continuous air monitoring network (PM10, SOx, NOx, O3, CO) linked to the MoE network. Busan already has harmonized their air quality management plans and air quality monitoring data within the national and municipal government. Indonesia is eager to learn on the experience of Busan in developing their air quality management plans. Increasing the use of CNG buses; Public transportation modes; Public awareness efforts (the “Ozone Alert System”). GOI interested in enforcement issues focusing on smoke emitting commercial vehicles. 2.BUSAN, KOREA
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/ MoE is targeting its vehicle emission control program is in small cities: Garut, a scenic mountain town having a population of 133,390 (census 2001) and comprising 38,010 vehicles for entire district. Total population of Garut Regency is 2,042,386 (2000). Since air quality is still adequate the program is directed at prevention of air pollution in anticipating future growth of the area. Another larger city within the mountain areas is Bandung: Population of is around 1,868,833; Number of motor vehicles is 890,885 units. 3.KATHMANDU, NEPAL
Mak-BAQ-Hongkong/Des/ Another location of interest to MoE is Bali Province: Well known international tourist haven; Population approximately 2,998,770; Denpasar City is 532,441 Motor vehicle population is 724,343; Number of motor vehicles in Denpasar City is 568,326 (includes Badung Regency). Foster cooperation and exchange of information between relevant Indonesian cities with Kathmandu City. ……KATHMANDU