1 12/10/03CCM Workshop QoS Engineering and Qoskets George Heineman Praveen Sharma Joe Loyall Richard Schantz BBN Technologies Distributed Systems Department
2 12/10/03CCM Workshop Outline Goals Motivation QoS Engineering Qoskets Definition Current Status [traditional BBN approach to QuO brought in] Example Next Steps and Hard Problems
3 12/10/03CCM Workshop Context Embrace standards-based middleware Support dynamic, adaptive end-to-end QoS management for distributed Real-time and Embedded systems There are numerous valid approaches for QoS
4 12/10/03CCM Workshop Spectrum of QoS Approaches Target Focus Application-centric Infrastructure-centric Epoch Focus Design Assembly Deployment Run-time Individual solutions solve “QoS-in-the-small” but we must pay attention to larger “Systems of Systems” QoS Epoch Target...
5 12/10/03CCM Workshop Motivation Solutions to QoS will incorporate many parts We manage the complexity of large systems by decomposition How can we decompose QoS? Need to address QoS requirements Where? Separately? Solely in middleware infrastructure? Only within the application? When? At Design Time? Run Time? What artifacts are decomposed and reassembled? Role Separation Functional & QoS Requirements Funct. Reqs. QoS Reqs. Funct. Reqs. QoS Reqs. Decomposition
6 12/10/03CCM Workshop QoS Behaviors as Components We are producing behaviors as components Decompose complex QoS requirements into primitive behaviors Develop/select qosket components to ensure these capabilities Integrate qosket component(s) into application Goals Show how to componentize QoS Behaviors Show how to compose them Remainder of talk How we are doing this State-of-the-Practice implementations Issues we have uncovered
7 12/10/03CCM Workshop Structural Possibilities Encapsulate QoS artifacts as components Encapsulate one QoS artifact for each component Create Specialized CCM container
8 12/10/03CCM Workshop Qosket Definition A packaging of behavior and policy Encapsulates adaptive QoS behavior Described by QoS contracts A collection of cross-cutting implementations A unit of behavior reuse QoS Categories QoS Behaviors Network bandwidth usage CPU usage Domain-specific i.e., mission modes Prioritize tasks Scale/Pre-process data Alter application execution End-to-end QoS can be achieved by composing “localized” behaviors and decisions.
9 12/10/03CCM Workshop State of the Practice BoldStroke [non-standard] We developed componentized OEP UAV scenario (available within MoBIES OEP Build 3.0) Currently integrating BBN QuO with BoldStroke (expected completion: Spring 2004) Mico CCM [standard, non-RT] Fully integrated BBN QuO with Mico Praveen Sharma will present demonstration Thursday Contains first Qosket CCM implementation CIAO [standard, RT] Currently Integrating BBN QuO with CIAO (expected completion: Spring 2004)
10 12/10/03CCM Workshop BBN QuO Technology QuO CORBA implementation
11 12/10/03CCM Workshop CCM Qosket Structure Packaging Qosket as a CCM component Facets/Receptacles Sinks/Sources Controlled by Contract Monitors external data Maintains contract region Contains QoS logic or interacts with QoS services qosket component
12 12/10/03CCM Workshop Typical Example Distributed Sender/Distributor/Receiver example sender distributor receiver Image data
13 12/10/03CCM Workshop QoS Issues Problems to overcome within this simple example 1. Higher priority receivers must receive data before lower priority receivers 2. Ensure that all receivers receive an image within a fixed time window; the image can be scaled 3. Enable receivers to have a minimum acceptable image quality 4. Enable sender to perform opportunistic processing when resources allow 5. and so on... sender distributor receiver Image data How can we ensure any (or all) of these needs are met? You may disagree with these set of problems, but you must admit that these are exactly the sort of issues that arise
14 12/10/03CCM Workshop Qosket Example Final image of scaling, ordering, scheduling... TBD: WILL ADD SOON
15 12/10/03CCM Workshop Next Steps and Hard Problems Qosket vs. qosket component Design templates to rapidly develop qosket components Encapsulate and share reusable behaviors Coordinating multiple qosket components Avoid ad hoc interactions “Model aware” tool for targeting Qoskets Generate qosket components from common executable specifications for: BoldStroke Mico CCM CIAO CCM Composing mutiple QoS behaviors Further investigate QoS mechanisms Develop processes for QoS engineering
16 12/10/03CCM Workshop QoS Engineering Vision Application Composition QoS Engineering process boundary qosket component functional component Legend QoS Certification Component Engineering design/develop new components Update qosket components Reassemble application Qosket Engineerin g
17 12/10/03CCM Workshop QoS Mechanisms Component-level interaction Current Qosket investigation Component/Container interceptors Alternative Customized containers Possible future work