Object-Oriented Programming with Java Lecture 6 Using the Java Event Model
Contents Quick Review of the Java Event model Using this model to notify Customers that Pizzas are ready from a Bakery This example is taken from JavaBeans by Example, by Henri Jubin, Prentice Hall
Java Event Model Event Source Event Listener Register Event Listener Fire Event Event Object Event Object
Chili PizzaExpress EventObject source getSource() toString() Bakery addOrderListener() removeOrderListener() sendMessage(PizzaEvent) fires passed to registers with 0..* invokes notifications in0..* «interface» OrderListener pizzaStatus(evt) Customer run( ) iNumber iSliceNumber PizzaEvent
PizzaEvent.java import java.util.EventObject; public class PizzaEvent extends EventObject { public PizzaEvent(Object aSource) { public PizzaEvent(Object aSource) { super(aSource); super(aSource); }} EventObject source getSource() toString() PizzaEvent
OrderListener.java import java.util.EventListener; public interface OrderListener extends EventListener { public void pizzaStatus(PizzaEvent anEvent); public void pizzaStatus(PizzaEvent anEvent);} EventListener OrderListener pizzaStatus
Bakery.java public class Bakery public Bakery( ) { // constructor of a Bakery instance // constructor of a Bakery instance } public addOrderListener( eL ) { public addOrderListener( eL ) { // inserts OrderListeners in some // structure } public removeOrderListener( eL ) { public removeOrderListener( eL ) { // deletes OrderListeners from that // structure } private void sendMessage( evt ) { private void sendMessage( evt ) { // broadcast evt somehow } Bakery addOrderListener removeOrderListener sendMessage(PizzaEvent)
Properties of Bakery.java import java.lang.Thread; import java.util.*; public class Bakery implements Runnable { private Vector iCustomers = new Vector( ); private Thread iThread; // methods go here… }
Constructor for Bakery public Bakery ( ) { iThread = new Thread(this); iThread.start( ); } // When a new instance of Bakery is created, // a flow of control owned by it is started.
The main flow of control public void run( ) { while(true) { iThread.sleep(4000); PizzaEvent event = new PizzaEvent(this); sendMessage(event);}} // a Bakery broadcasts a message that Pizza is ready // every 4 seconds
Adding and removing Listeners public void addOrderListener(OrderListener aListener) { iCustomers.addElement(aListener);} // Remember iCustomers is a Vector field in Bakery public void removeOrderListener(OrderListener aListener) { iCustomers.removeElement(aListener);}
Broadcasting the message private void sendMessage(PizzaEvent anEvent) { Vector v; v = iCustomers.clone( ); for (int i = 0; i<v.size( ); i++) { OrderListener ol = v.elementAt(i); ol.pizzaStatus(anEvent); // implement in Customer } System.out.println(“Pizza ready …”); }
Summary for Sources Record all the references to Listener Objects in a “Vector” Register Listeners by adding their name to the Vector Unregister Listeners by removing their name from the Vector Step through the elements of the Vector to notify all the Listeners
The Story so Far EventObject source getSource() toString() Bakery addOrderListener() removeOrderListener() sendMessage(PizzaEvent) fires passed to registers with 0..* invokes notifications in0..* «interface» OrderListener pizzaStatus(evt) Customer run( ) iNumber iSliceNumber PizzaEvent
The Customer Class A Customer also has its own flow of control public class Customer implements OrderListener, Runnable { private int iNumber; // identify customer private boolean iHaveSlice; // something to eat? private Thread iThread;// identifiy flow of control private Randon iRandom;// gaps between bites private int iSliceNumber;// Slices eaten … }
Construct a Customer public Customer(int aNumber) { iNumber = aNumber; iRandom = new Random(aNumber); iThread = new Thread(this); iThread.start( ); } // Construct a Customer with a specified identifier, and // start its own flow of control
Making your Customer Run public void run( ) { while(true) { if (iHaveSlice) { for (int bites=0; bites<4; bites++) { System.out.println(“customer: “ + iNumber + bites + “ slice:” + iSliceNumber); iThread.sleep(iRandom.nextFloat( ) * 3000); } iHaveSlice = false; iThread.suspend( ); } }// Takes 4 bites, with a rest between each, then }// waits for some more Pizza.
Response to PizzaEvents Remember, we invoked a method called “pizzaStatus” when we broadcast messages from the Bakery. Customer must implement this: public void pizzaStatus(PizzaEvent anEvent) { if ( ! iHaveSlice) { iHaveSlice = true; iSliceNumber++; iThread.resume( ); }
Warning These slides have simplified the implementation a little bit We have missed out: Explicit type conversions; Explicit type conversions; “Synchronisation” of critical sections in threads “Synchronisation” of critical sections in threads The full implementation can be found on the CSM-15 Web site This is taken from JavaBeans by Examples, Henri Jubin, Prentice Hall
Running the Bakery public class TestApp { public static void main(String args[ ]) { TestApp t = new TestApp( ); } public TestApp( ) { Bakery b = new Bakery( ); Customer c1 = new Customer( 1 ); Customer c2 = new Customer( 2 ); b.addOrderListener( c1 ); b.addOrderListener( c2 ); }}
Summary We have explored a simple example of a general Notifier-Observer design pattern Everything in this example is available in the Java 2 Software Development Kit The trick has been to use a design pattern that allows as many Observers (Customers, in our case) to be added as required