3D Object Retrieval Client-Server Project Developers : Iddo Simhon Omer Boker Supervisor : George Leifman Electrical Engineering Software Lab - Technion Spring semester 2001/02
Project Definition 3D objects retrieval by several algorithms. The design enables addition of more algorithms in the future, open data-base. The project is built as client-server system, each operates as a separate application. The client is a Java application, based on Java 3D technology. The server is a multi-threaded C++ application, and includes the 3D algorithms.
Project Features Comparing a 3D object versus a bank of objects, and returning the 50 most similar objects, by a selected object comparison algorithm. Fetching icons from the server by the above compare or by name/first letters or just the first 50 objects for a start. Presentation of selected 3D objects using Java 3D. Upload additional objects files to the server. Download selected objects from the server. Distributed system that enables many clients to work with the server. Enabling the client to run on any platform, requiring minimum resources.
Client-Server Sockets Presentation Server Client A Listening Socket Client Socket Client B Client C Client Socket Handling Socket
Server Flow Chart Listening Thread Request from Client Respond Thread Get Icons Search Get 3D file Upload/Download Send to the client icons, by a given string, or first 500 icons. Compare given shape vs. the shapes DB, using one of the comparing algorithms. Send to the client most similar icons. Send to the client 3D shape file for presentation. Get/Put.off file. When uploading, the server creates also.obj and.gif files, and updates the databases.
Client GUI Showing the shape using Java 3D Bringing images from the data-base by name/first letters or first 50 Searching the data base for the closest 50 shapes to a selected shape Uploading or downloading a shape to/from the data base
Shapes Examples Shapes can be rotated by moving the mouse on the shape When rotating a shape, the shades and light on it are changing
Java 3D Scene Structure Virtual Universe Locale Object Branch Group Nodes BG T T Transform Group Nodes Behavior Node View Platform Object Shape3D Node AppearanceGeometry