Video Segmentation Based on Image Change Detection for Surveillance Systems Tung-Chien Chen EE 264: Image Processing and Reconstruction
Outline Background –Image Change Detection –Video Surveillance Systems Implementation –Block diagram and algorithm description Demo Comment
Image Change Detection Differencing Significance and hypothesis tests Predictive models Shading Models Background Models Change mask consistency and post processing ….. Video surveillance Remote sensing Medical diagnosis and treatment, Civil infrastructure, Underwater sensing, Driver assistance systems ……
In My Project Differencing Significance and hypothesis tests Predictive models Shading Models Background Models Change mask consistency and post processing ….. Video surveillance Remote sensing Medical diagnosis and treatment, Civil infrastructure, Underwater sensing, Driver assistance systems ……
Video Surveillance Systems A technological tool that assists humans by providing an extended perception and reasoning capability about situations of interest that occur in the monitored environments
Video Surveillance Systems A technological tool that assists humans by providing an extended perception and reasoning capability about situations of interest that occur in the monitored environments
Reference Paper Efficient moving object Segmentation Algorithm Using Background Registration Technique S-Y Chien, S-Y Ma, and L-G Chen, IEEE National Taiwan University IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 2002
Block Diagram of the Framework
Step1 – Differencing (1/2) Frame difference and thresholding –Difference between current frame and previous frame FD: frame difference FDM: frame difference mask
Step1 – Differencing (2/2) Background differencing and thresholding –Difference between current frame and background BD: background difference BDM: background difference mask
Step2 – Background Registration According to FDM, pixels not moving for a long time are considered as reliable background pixels SI: Stationary index BI: Background indicator BG: Background information
Example of Background Registration (1/2)
Example of Background Registration (2/2) Include the function of background updating
Step2- Object Detection and Initial Object Mask Generation Object detection –Produce “Initial object mask” (IOM)
Object Detection Look up table for object detection
Step4- Post-processing Two main parts in post-processing: –Noise region elimination and boundary smoothing Connected component algorithm to eliminate small regions Morphological close–open operations are applied to smooth the object boundary
Example of Post Operation Initial Object MaskAfter Connect Component After Close-open OperationFinal Object
Results and Demo
Result Demo
Comments (1/2) For change detection based segmentation algorithm for surveillance system –Speed is high, but not robust –Performance degrade with the uncovered background situation, still object situation, light changing, shadow, and noise –Post-process can promote, but lose efficiency –Should automatically decide the thresholds –Some limitations: strong change in light source, difference luminance between background foreground, camera moving/zoom/rotation, foreground object should move
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