Database Design Concepts Info 1408 Lecture 1 Introduction to the module
INFO 1408 DATABASE DESIGN CONCEPTS This is one of four modules you will be covering this year (three if you are studying part time) This module covers the HND requirements for Databases It is a module which covers a range of topics which are particularly useful for project work later on. If you put the effort into this module you will find projects much easier next year.
Module content Database theory (covered in lectures only) Database modelling Report and form design Database implementation Testing SQL
MODULE STAFF Each module is managed by a module leader, but may be taught by a number staff. Module leader Karen Burrow G5.32 You should discuss any issues regarding this module with the tutor who is teaching you, they may sometimes suggest you contact the module leader.
Your Lecturer Name: Jenny Carter Contact details: G6.59
Teaching schedule See attached plan Each week you will have One lecture One tutorial One lab
Tutorials This is a class session for you to practise the skills you will require to complete the assessment There will be work for you to complete out of the tutorial There will be one tutorial session on your timetable- make sure you know when it is and be their next week and every week after
Labs There are various practical exercises for you to carryout in the lab sessions You will need to spend some of your own time to complete the exercises Completing the exercises will be important for you to complete the HND project next year There will be one lab session on your timetable- find out when it takes place and make sure you are there next week.
Access We will use Access in the Labs You may have used it previously but we will expect you to use it in a different way If you have not used Access before discuss with your lab tutor how you can develop some Access skills
Access continued Access is available on nearly all PCs- you can use any free PC if you need to work after lessons You may have access on your own PC. You can continue to work at home if you wish but this is not in place of attending your timetabled session We are currently using Access If you wish to work at home and have Access 2000 you will need to save work done in class in Access 2000 format
Assessment Coursework makes up 70% of the module marks This is made up of tests and small assignments throughout the year, some are assessed in class so you need to be there. There will be a project for you to complete during the second term of the module. The module schedule show when assignments are given out and when they are handed in and how. There are severe penalties for late work and copying
Assessment continued An Exam makes up the remaining 30% of the module marks This will be in May, more about this later You need to achieve an overall mark of 40% for the module to Pass- you cannot continue the course without passing this module. The easiest way to pass this module is to turn up for all your classes and complete the work (yourself)
Assessment Schedule Term 1 SQL test in lab session week 8 Worth 15% of the coursework marks Assignment 1: E:R modelling Worth 20% of the Coursework marks Issued in term 1 week 9
Assessment Schedule Term 2 Assignment 2: Database implementation This assignment is completed in lab sessions and will need to be shown to you lab tutor at regular interval. Worth 50% of the coursework marks Assignment 3: Normalisation Assignment Worth 15% of the Coursework marks
Resources Lecture notes will be provided for each lecture. These may have gaps for you to fill in during the lecture. References will be given at the end of lectures etc. These are where you can find additional information on the topic covered.You should find books in the library. You may need to refer to them from time to time- You do not need to buy them Tutorial and lab exercises will be supplied as workbooks. You will need to complete these- including the self study sections
Tasks for each Week Each week you will be given a number of exercises in labs and tutorials. You will also need to ensure you understand the lecture materials. This will include reading and completing tasks started during classes. You should expect to be spending several hours a week completing these tasks.
Tasks for this week Identify where and when tutorials and labs take place. Go to the library and find out where the database books are. Make sure you have a password and user id for your lab session (see your personal tutor if you are not sure) If you have not used Access before make a note to discuss it in your first lab session