Show Me the Money: NN/LM SCR Funding September 7, 2011
Agenda Current opportunities Overview of process General tips Common mistakes
Who are we?
Current Funding Opportunities
Disaster Preparedness Award Role of public libraries $10,000 Due: October 15, 2011
Hospital Library Promotion Award Increase visibility of hospital library $5,000 Due: November 1, 2011
Library Student Outreach Award Promotes value of health information outreach SCC/MLA attendance Due: September 9, 2011
Mobile Applications Project Award Promote access to health information via mobile technologies $10,000 Due: October 1, 2011
Needs Assessment Award Increase knowledge of health information needs $5,000 Due: October 1, 2011
Professional Development Award Expand professional knowledge $1,500 (up to 10) Due: October 1, 2011
Regional Symposium Award Must include information about NLM $8,000 Due: October 1, 2011
Technology Improvement Project Increase access to health information $5,000 (up to 3) Due: October 1, 2011
Recently Closed Awards Digital Preservation Express Outreach Consumer Health Healthcare Providers
Then what happens? Application Submitted Review Process Questions for Applicant Award!
Reviewers are not mean
Most importantly Read the instructions! Read all of the instructions! Read all of the instructions again! The large print giveth, the small print taketh away
Look at past projects
Clearly define the need
Write clear goal/objectives
Provide a detailed project plan
Remember reviewers may not be familiar with…
Develop strong evaluation plan
Know what should go in budget
Look at the review criteria
Have someone read your application
Contact us with questions
1. Poor writing
2. Poor project planning
3. Using jargon or buzzwords
4. Budget ≠ Narrative ItemQtyCost iPad 2 $800$3,200 The five requested iPads will allow us to provide onsite demonstrations of quality health websites to residents at Dallas senior centers.
5. Bad addition
QUESTIONS? This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, under Contract No. HHSN C with the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library.
SCR CONNECTions Webinar Senior Moments: Health Information for Older Adults Date: September 21 Time: 10:30 am CT