The Final Count Down ~One Plane for All Biodiversity Korea Gwangju Ilgok Elementary School Taiwan Kaohsiung Municipal Fu Dong Elementary School
The Final Count Down ~One Plane for All Biodiversity Fu Dong Elementary School Michael Tina Jennifer Lily Alice Julia Angela Ilgok Elementary School Gwun Hye Min Yi JooYoun Kim SeungHa Park GiRyang Kim Ye Eun Jung MInJung Instructors : Billie Kwang Spencer Chen Kate Chen
Fu Dong Elementary School Classes:43 classes Students total amount about 1300
Fu Dong Elementary School
Biodiversity-Creative Animal Flying Horse It lives on the cloud. It eats cotton candy. It can fly high in the sky and change the weather.
Biodiversity-These animals do exit Taiwan laughing thrushesMikado pheasants
Biodiversity-These animals do exit Formosan blue magpiesFormosan sambars
Biodiversity-These animals do exit Chinese green tree vipersTaiwan mountain pit vipers
Biodiversity-We are losing them Pygmy Chimpanzee Mammal. Live in the jungles. They like fruits. 98% close to human genes.
Biodiversity-We are losing them Koala Eat eucalyptus leaves. Wake up after sunset. Sleep hours a day.
Biodiversity-We are losing them Asian Elephant They eat fruit. Their teeth are very precious. They live in the jungle or on the plant.
Biodiversity-We are losing them Clouded Leopard. They have beautiful cloud spots. They eat meat and have sharp teeth. Go out at night.
Biodiversity-We are losing them Blue Whale They live in the sea They eat fish The biggest animal in the world
Biodiversity-We are losing them Black – Faced Spoonbill They live near sea They eat fish They have white body, black face and spoon mouth
Biodiversity-We are losing them Formosa Black Bear Forest of mountain. Eat fruits 、 nuts 、 little insects and plants. “ V “ neck. ( Just Female )
Biodiversity-Restoration Formosan sika deer Beautiful horns White spots Eat grass
Biodiversity-Restoration Salmo Formosanus Temperate fish Taiwan national treasure
One Planet conservation preservation Reduce reuse recycle
One Planet-Biodiversity The end~~~ We only have only “ ONE EARTH ”, leave a better world for “ EVERYONE. ”
Biodiversity-Creative Animal Creative animal: unlucky dog It eats meat It can kick fast, swim and fly high It moves at night It lives in the plain
Biodiversity-We are losing them Korea – Musk deer
Biodiversity-We are losing them Korea – Copper winged bat
Biodiversity-We are losing them Korea - Goral
Biodiversity-We are losing them Korea - otter
Biodiversity-Restoration Korea Natural treasure Environmental group Prohibiting illegal hunting Heart for the animals
One Planet conservation preservation Reduce reuse recycle
One Planet-Biodiversity We only have only “ ONE EARTH ”, leave a better world for “ EVERYONE. ”