1 Organic Molecules Carbohydrates These pictures will give you background help with *Objectives
2 Fig Glucose
3 Fig Formation of complex carbohydrates
4 Fig Structure of polysaccharide
5 Organic Molecules Lipids These pictures will help you with Objectives 41, 43 and 44
6 Fig Fatty acids & triglycerides
7 Fig Phospholipids
8 Fig Steroids
9 Fig Prostaglandins
10 Now go to your notes for Objectives 41, 43 and 44
12 Organic Molecules Proteins These pictures will help with Objectives and *49
13 Proteins are composed of long chains of amino acids. What is an amino acid????
19 Fig Amino Acid
20 Fig Peptide Bond
21 Now go to your notes for some information about protein structure.
22 Fig Protein Structure
23 Fig Protein Structure Let’s take a closer look at this sub-unit.
24 Show the primary, secondary and tertiary structure of this protein. Why is there no quatenary structure?
25 What bonds hold the first three levels of structure together?
27 Now go to your notes for information about Objective 46.
28 Fig 2-21 Enzyme Action
30 What makes up the active site of this protein?
31 What is responsible for maintaining the structure of this active site?
32 What has happened to the active site? What caused this to happen?