CC BY Openness Decoupling the Future to Radically Improve Access to Education David Wiley, PhD Department of Instructional Psychology & Technology Center for the Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling Brigham Young University
CC BY Access What prevents people from accessing educational opportunities that could bless their life?
CC BY Affordability What ’ s the problem?
CC BY % Increase Since 1980
Textbook Prices The average student spends $900/yr on textbooks
CC BY Student Loan Debt More outstanding student loan debt than mortgage debt in the US (over $800 million) Default rate is 8.9% (increase of 2% in the last year) Not forgivable in bankruptcy Average debt is approx. $28,000
CC BY Capacity Why can ’ t I get into school?
CC BY Soaring International Demand Global demand will double over the next 10 years from 120M to > 225M India would have to build and staff a new campus every two weeks until 2025
CC BY Soaring Demand at Home <30% of the US population currently has BA/S President Obama wants 60% of young people to have a postsecondary credential Utah ’ s goal is for 66% of age to have a postsecondary credential by 2020
CC BY TWB Founder Fred Mednick Great minds are evenly distributed; educational opportunity is not.
CC BY Lost Opportunities Rate of progress of society Degree of personal fulfillment
CC BY Basic Economics Supply and Demand
CC BY Access to... What? What is university?
CC BY Functional Parts of a University Content, Support Services Assessment, Credentials, Social Life
CC BY When Institutions Specialize They usually provide better quality at a better price
CC BY “ Dynamic Specialization ” Hegel and Brown, 2005
CC BY “ By dynamic specialization, we mean the commitment to eliminate resources and activities that no longer differentiate the firm and to concentrate on accelerating growth from the capabilities that truly distinguish the firm in the marketplace. Consequently, firms cannot simply focus on differentiation but must also shed nondifferentiating activities. ” (p. 54)
CC BY “ By tightly bundling [many] businesses together, companies inevitably sub-optimize the performance of one or more of the businesses. The companies therefore become vulnerable to more-focused competitors that have chosen to focus tightly… More diversified companies that choose to retain these activities within their enterprise will face increasingly severe competition from companies that access these world-class capabilities from focused providers. ” (p. 55)
CC BY Could Higher Ed “ Shed ” ? Is decoupled higher ed possible? Hold that thought
What is “Openness”? Sharing, giving, generosity
Teachers Share With Students Knowledge and skills Feedback and criticism Encouragement
Students Share With Teachers Questions Assignments Tests
If There Is No Sharing There is no education
Successful Educators Share most compeltely with the most students
Knowledge is Magical Can be given without being given away
Physical Expressions Are Not To give a book you must give it away
Expressions Are Different To give a book you must give it away
When Expressions Are Digital They also become magical
E.g., Online Book We can all read simultaneously
An Indescribable Advance The first time in human history
Both Knowledge and Expressions Can be given without giving away
Unprecedented Capacity We can share as never before
Unprecedented Capacity We can educate as never before
What Does “Share” Mean? Online it means copy and distribute
Cost of “Copy” For one 250 page book: Copy by hand - $1,000 Copy by print on demand - $4.90 Copy by computer - $
Cost of “Distribute” For one 250 page book: Distribute by mail - $5.20 Distribute by internet - $
Copy and Distribute are “Free” This changes everything
Educational Sharing Also means adapting or editing
Sense-making, Meaning-making Connecting to prior knowledge Relating to past experience (In an appropriate language)
Digital Makes Editing “Free” Editing a printed book or magazine is difficult and expensive
Free Copy, Distribute, Edit We can share as never before
Free Copy, Distribute, Edit We can educate as never before
Except We Can’t © forbids copying, distributing, and editing
© Cancels the Possibilities Of digital media and the internet
Internet Enables What to do? Copyright Forbids
Use copyright to enforce sharing
4Rs for Free Reuse – copy verbatim Redistribute – share with others Revise – adapt and edit Remix – combine with others
500 Million Items Using CC licenses online
The “Open” in OER Free permission to do the 4Rs
Internet Enables OER Allows Sharing and educating at unprecedented scale
CC BY Back to Decoupling What does “open” really enable?
CC BY Functional Parts of a University Content, Support Services Assessment, Credentials, Social Life
CC BY Content Carnegie Mellon OLI, Khan Academy, Wikipedia, Flat World Knowledge, etc.
CC BY Content Carnegie Mellon OLI, Khan Academy, Wikipedia, Flat World Knowledge, etc.
Postsecondary Students Pay $40 instead of $150 - $200 per book 115,000 students have saved $20M
High School Science Classes Teachers adapted CK12 books for print or digital use
A Chemistry Book for $4.86 Lean, focused textbooks
Content is Infrastructure Low cost, high quality infrastructure increases speed of innovation
Destroys Supply / Demand “Infinite” supply of reasonable quality content
CC BY Support Services OpenStudy, Yahoo Answers, RateMyProfessor, ChaCha, Twitter, etc.
CC BY Support Services OpenStudy, Yahoo Answers, RateMyProfessor, ChaCha, Twitter, etc.
CC BY Assessments Western Governors University, Peer2Peer University, University of the People
CC BY Credentials A la carte credits: OER University Competency-based: WGU Certifications: MCSE, RHCE, CCNA Badges: (e.g., MacArthur / Sec. Duncan)
CC BY “Or Equivalent” Certifications are already accepted Working on acceptance for badges
CC BY Social Life Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, other location-aware apps, etc.
CC BY The “Monopoly” Is Busted Everything we provide is now offered by someone else
CC BY HE is Already Decoupling The future is already here (it just isn’t evenly distributed)
CC BY A New Path Primary math content: Khan Academy Primary support resource: OpenStudy Formative assessment: Khan Academy Assessment and Credential provider: Athabasca University
CC BY Desperate for Innovation We can’t double postsecondary capacity using exiting models
CC BY If you’re on this webinar You can help!
CC BY TWB Founder Fred Mednick Great minds are evenly distributed; educational opportunity is not. (YET)
CC BY Discussion! David Wiley