Out line 1.Introduction2.Objectives 3.Define some terms 4.How to prepare practical training session 5.How to contact with the nursing staff 6. Example 7.Recommendation
Main goal At the end of my lecture all the audience will be able to prepare the practical scion
Objectives Define the term participatory training Explain the main components of a training program Identify the various tasks of each training components Provide a check-list for trainers involved in designing training programs
Introduction Training is an education act which refers to the process of dissemination of knowledge & skills Training is a process which involves four key steps AssessmentPlanningImplementationEvaluation
How to prepare training scion Time Serious commitment Select the training site Prepare all syllabi needed or training Members Planning & design Financial management Logistics component Follow up activities
There are some questions to be asked to facilitate the process of planning WhatWhoWhere How HowWhenWhy
-What type of training is needed ? -What are the specific training goals & objectives ? -What type of training is to be offered ?
Preparing for a training
I. Conducted a training needs assessment SurveysInterview Supervisory reports Observation
II. Prepare a syllabus Course description Course objectives Course outline Teaching methods Trainees evaluation methods
III. Prepare a training schedule Time allocations Ratio of didactic vis a vis practical teaching hours Length of training day Diversity training activities Sequencing of sessions Continuity of topics, & logical progression of topics
IV. Prepare course evaluation forms
V. Prepare printed materials
VI. Prepare lesson plans
VII. Prepare field trip reports
VIII. Prepare a substitute list
IX. Prepare A/V materials
X. Prepare a task assignment list
XI. Logistics Trainees selection Notification letter Prepare training place A/V equipment Financial arrangement Technical coordination of all activities Typing
What do I need to teach a skill? Looking in the curriculum ObjectivesSkills
Material What are the resources needed to do the skills ? Personal Patients
Qualities of Effective Clinical Teachers IV Personal Characteristics: Enthusiasm, a sense of humor, willingness to admit limitations and mistakes honestly, patience, flexibility Enthusiasm, a sense of humor, willingness to admit limitations and mistakes honestly, patience, flexibility
Qualities of Effective Clinical Teachers V Interpersonal Relationships: Confidence in students, respect, realistic clinical expectations, support and encouragement Confidence in students, respect, realistic clinical expectations, support and encouragement
Recommendation 1. C.I should attend the theory class 2. C.I should be in training in the period students are not yet in the college, especially in the same ward she/he will do the training later on
3. C.I should be followed up from the nursing administration in the college 4.The C.I chooses the cooperative nurse who will be fixed afterwards for training session all semester