Kentucky Association of School Councils Creative Science Teaching to Improve Test Scores Louisville Male High School
Molecule Man Unplugged c:\2001.mid Ladies and Gentlemen: From that vast nebula of knowledge at the center of the universe From that vast nebula of knowledge at the center of the universe Originating from the Power of the Big Bang; whose mass and energy are infinite at the speed of light Originating from the Power of the Big Bang; whose mass and energy are infinite at the speed of light
Molecule Man
The Chemical Elements Song 1 H H 2 IIA 2A 13 IIIA 3A 14 IVA 4A 15 VA 5A 16 VIA 6A 17 VII A 7A 2 He He 3 Li Li 4 Be Be 5 B B 6 C C 7 N N 8 O O 9 F F 10 Ne Ne 11 Na Na 12 Mg Mg 3 IIIB 3B 4 IVB 4B 5 VB 5B 6 VIB 6B 7 VIIB 7B IB 1B 12 IIB 2B 13 Al Al 14 Si Si 15 P P 16 S S 17 Cl Cl 18 Ar Ar VIII K K 20 Ca Ca 21 Sc Sc 22 Ti Ti 23 V V 24 Cr Cr 25 Mn Mn 26 Fe Fe 27 Co Co 28 Ni Ni 29 C u C u 30 Zn Zn 31 Ga Ga 32 Ge Ge 33 As As 34 Se Se 35 Br Br 36 Kr Kr 37 Rb Rb 38 Sr Sr 39 Y Y 40 Zr Zr 41 Nb Nb 42 Mo Mo 43 Tc (98) Tc 44 Ru Ru 45 Rh Rh 46 P d P d 47 A g A g 48 Cd Cd 49 In In 50 Sn Sn 51 Sb Sb 52 Te Te 53 I I 54 Xe Xe 55 Cs Cs 56 Ba Ba 57 La * La 72 Hf Hf 73 Ta Ta 74 W W 75 Re Re 76 Os Os 77 Ir Ir 78 Pt Pt 79 A u A u 80 Hg Hg 81 Tl Tl 82 Pb Pb 83 Bi Bi 84 Po (210) Po 85 At (210) At 86 Rn (222) Rn 87 Fr (223) Fr 88 Ra (226) Ra 89 Ac ~ (227) Ac 104 Rf (257) Rf 105 Db (260) Db 106 Sg (263) Sg 107 Bh (262) Bh 108 Hs (265) Hs 109 Mt (266) Mt 110 D s (271 ) D s 111 U u u (272 ) U u 112 Uu b (277) Uu b 114 Uuq (296) Uuq 116 Uuh (298) Uuh 118 Uuo (?) Uuo
The Chemical Elements Song There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium, And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium, And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium, Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium And lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium And gold, protactinium and indium and gallium (inhale) And iodine and thorium and thulium and thallium.antimonyarsenicaluminumseleniumhydrogenoxygennitrogenrheniumnickelneodymiumneptuniumgermaniumironamericiumrutheniumuranium Europiumzirconiumlutetiumvanadiumlanthanumosmiumastatineradiumgoldprotactiniumindiumgalliumiodinethoriumthuliumthallium ``There's yttrium, ytterbium, actinium, rubidium And boron, gadolinium, niobium, iridium And strontium and silicon and silver and samarium, And bismuth, bromine, lithium, beryllium and barium.yttriumytterbiumactinium rubidiumborongadoliniumniobiumiridiumstrontiumsiliconsilversamariumbismuthbrominelithiumberylliumbarium ``There's holmium and helium and hafnium and erbium And phosphorous and francium and fluorine and terbium And manganese and mercury, molybdinum, magnesium, Dysprosium and scandium and cerium and cesium And lead, praseodymium, and platinum, plutonium, Paladium, promethium, potassium, polonium, and Tantalum, technetium, titanium, tellurium, (inhale) And cadmium and calcium and chromium and curium.holmiumheliumhafniumerbiumphosphorousfranciumfluorineterbiummanganesemercurymolybdinummagnesium Dysprosiumscandiumceriumcesiumleadpraseodymiumplatinumplutonium Paladiumpromethiumpotassiumpolonium Tantalumtechnetiumtitaniumtelluriumcadmiumcalciumchromiumcurium ``There's sulfur, californium and fermium, berkelium And also mendelevium, einsteinium and nobelium And argon, krypton, neon, radon, xenon, zinc and rhodium And chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper, Tungsten, tin and sodium.sulfurcaliforniumfermiumberkeliummendeleviumeinsteiniumnobeliumargonkryptonneonradonxenonzincrhodiumchlorinecarboncobaltcopper Tungstentinsodium
Fun activities such as Molecule Man, Mole Day costumes, Halloween Explosions Students daily work should be aligned with the test (Bulldog Science Binder) Know Your Test like a golfer or long distance runner knows the course and practices it.
What is it? The ACT Science Reasoning test measures your ability to read and understand scientific information. The ACT Science Reasoning test measures your ability to read and understand scientific information. The test does NOT measure your ability to recall scientific facts. The test does NOT measure your ability to recall scientific facts.
Before the Science Test… English75 Questions45 minutes Grammar, Writing Skills Math60 Questions60 minutes Content focus on Trigonometry, Logarithms, Matrices Reading40 questions35 minutes 4 passages to read, 40 questions on comprehension Science40 questions35 minutes 7 passages, 40 questions about scientific process, not content focused
THE SCIENCE TEST 35 Minutes 40 Questions
The Format: 7 Passages ① Data Representation Charts and Graphs(38%) ① Research Summaries Experiments(45%) ② Fighting Scientists Conflicting Viewpoints (17%)
Charts and Graphs 5 questions in each passage 4 minutes to complete it For almost every assignment and lab, I request that students interpret graphs and Charts. i.e. TI 84 Distance Time Match
Experiment Passages Experimental Analysis passages all have 6 questions 5 minutes to do it. Every lab students must determine the variable and control, make a hypothesis and analyze data to form a conclusion
Fighting Scientist Students must read and summarize 1 article per week i.e. Particles going faster than the speed of light.