SMIL F.Melkonyan Barcelona,2002
Content What is SMIL? History General rules SMIL 1.0 elements SMIL 2.0 HTML+TIME Present and future Examples
What is SMIL 1. Synchronized Multimeda Integration Language 2. Synchronizing video, audio, images, text 3. The area in which it can be used Slideshows Advertisement Education Product information User´s guides Etc..
W3C recomendation Working Group in Synchronized Multimeda(SYMM)- March 1997 SMIL 1.0-recomendation in June 1998 SMIL 2.0 recomendation in August 2001
General Rules The smil document start goes other markups....
Rules It is required a body section
Rules Attribute,tags-lower case Always closing tag The value of an attribute in quotation
SMIL 1.0 element..,children and,define weight and height of the window,control the position of the media elements..,children
SMIL document....
SMIL 2.0 Extend the functuonallity of SMIL 1.0 Define a set of reusable modules Modules grouped into functional areas 1.Animation 2.Content Control 3.Layout 4.Linking 5.Media Object 6.Metainformation 7.Structure 8.Timing and Synchronization 9.Time Manipulation 10.Transition Effects
SMIL 2.0 define a set of language profile that incorporate SMIL 2.0 modules SMIL 2.0 Basic profile SMIL 2.0 Language profile XHTML+SMIL profile
HTML+TIME Microsoft implementation Not included in SMIL 2.0 recomendation HTML+TIME supported in Internet Explorer 5.0 and later
Present and future
Examples….. and SMIL elements review made with SMIL with dur=“5s” dur=“5s” with dur=“5”
References the official world wide web consortium web site about SMIL SMIL examples and publications html – Real Networks guide on SMIL html IL/Intro/ -Web developers web site: Introduction to SMIL IL/Intro/