Larsen et al. (2009) EOS 2008 eruption of Okmok
strong tremor OKWE RSAM 7/137/207/278/038/108/17 amplitude (arb. units) Okmok eruption seismicity
VLP tremor during Okmok eruption VLP tremor has been previously reported by De Lauro et al. (2005) at Stromboli
Stations used for tremor analysis
Comparison of Amplitude Spectra
OKSOz-OKFGz inter-station times
Histograms of 10 inter-station times
Tremor located NNW of Cone D Haney (2010) JGR, in press
new coneCone D caldera rim northsouth
Similar phase velocity for Love waves, so a similar inter-station time expected
Horizontal components Not similar to ZZ or RR Sign flip on OKFGt
Radiation pattern for a vertical CLVD Azimuth constrained by Love waves, source depth by Rayleigh waves
Rayleigh radiation: VLP tremor depth
approx. edge of caldera Masterlark, Haney, et al. (2010) JGR Ambient noise tomography of Okmok
Radiation pattern for a vertical CLVD Haney (2010) JGR, in press