European Fisheries Management Rainer Froese IFM-GEOMAR.


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Presentation transcript:

European Fisheries Management Rainer Froese IFM-GEOMAR

European Fisheries Management 1.Crash Course in Fisheries Biology 2.Crash Course in ICES Assessment 3.The EC Common Fisheries Policy 4.The Management Process 5.Management in Action in the Baltic 6.Exercise: Present and discuss ICES Advice for selected North Sea Stocks (

Natural Mortality of Cod

Growth in Weight of Cod

Year Class Biomass of Cod Survivors Weight Biomass

Reproduction of Cod 1. Maturity at 3 years Optimum size at 8 years Mean reproductive phase 5 years

Fishing after Optimum Size Mean reproductive phase

Fishing after Maturity ½ reproductive phase

ICES Assessment Catch and Fishing Mortality: F pa and F lim

ICES Asessment Stock-Recruitment Relationship B lim and B pa SSB Recruits B pa B lim

ICES Assessment The Precautionary Framework

The Common Fisheries Policy “A common policy in the sphere of agriculture and fisheries”, 1958 First common measures in 1970 on equal access to fishing grounds outside a ‘coastal band’; subsidies for modernization of fishing vessels etc. 200 nm EEZ in 1976 Common Fisheries Policy since 1983

The Common Fisheries Policy Ensure exploitation of living aquatic resources that provides sustainable economic, environmental and social conditions. Precautionary approach to: –protect and conserve living aquatic resources; –provide for their sustainable exploitation; –minimise the impact of fishing activities on marine ecosystems; –efficient fishing activities within an economically viable and competitive fisheries and aquaculture industry; –provide a fair standard of living for those who depend on fishing; –take into account the interests of consumers.

The Management Process 1.DG Fish asks ICES for scientific information and advice. 2.ICES working groups assess stocks and recommend total allowable catch (TAC) including discards and ‘unaccounted’ catch, based on a framework aiming to prevent the collapse of stocks. 3.Several official committees (ACFA, STECF, RACs) apply pressure for higher TACs. 4.DG Fish recommends higher TACs (10-30% beyond ICES recommendation, ignoring discards and IUU catches). 5.Council of Agriculture Ministers sets TACS % beyond DG Fish recommendation.

Examples for the Baltic

Stock Size and Fishing Mortality for Eastern Baltic Cod TACs for 2008: ICES recommendation: 0 t EC recommendation: 31,561 t Council of Ministers : ?? t

Stock Size of Western Baltic Cod TACs for 2008: ICES recommendation : < 13,500 t EC recommendation : 17,930 t (+33%) Council of Ministers : ?? t

Eastern Baltic Herring TACs for 2008 ICES recommendation : < 195,000 t DG Fish recommendation: 148,407 t Council of Ministers : ?? t

Stock Size of Baltic Sprat TACs for 2008: ICES recommendation : < 432,000 t DG Fish recommendation: 432,000 t Council of Ministers : ?? t

Landings of Plaice in the Western Baltic TACs for 2008: ICES recommendation : None, not enough data DG Fish recommendation : 3,201 t Council of Ministers : ?? t

Exercises 1.Go to Latest Advice, Ecoregion North 2.Select Cod, Plaice and Haddock 3.Show current position of stocks in precautionary diagram