Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs Social Research Methods 2117 & 6501 Fall, 2006 October 25-30, 2006.


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McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,All Rights Reserved. 肆 資料分析與表達.
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Strategies of Research Design
Presentation transcript:

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs Social Research Methods 2117 & 6501 Fall, 2006 October 25-30, 2006

Overview of Research Design Research Purposes –Exploration ( 探索 ), Description ( 描述 ), Explanation ( 解釋 ) Units of Analysis ( 研究單位 ): possibly individuals ( 個人 ) The Time Dimension: cross-sectional design Design a Research Project: the research process

The Research Process Conceptualization: think about research questions & important concepts Choice of research method: quantitative and/or qualitative? Operationalizaion: measurement Population and sampling Observations (data collection) Data processing Analysis and interpretation Writing articles/reports Application

Research Design Consider: Your interests Your abilities Available Resources

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Different (deductive vs. inductive approaches) & Complementary Triangulation: observe from different viewpoints & methods

Qualitative and Quantitative Orientations toward Research: Qualitative Orientations interpretive and critical social sciences Non-numerical data Logic in practice: the logic of research is actually carried out ( 實務邏輯 : 實際上如 何執行的邏輯 ) Quantitative Orientations related to positivism Numerical data Reconstructed logic: the logic of how to do research is highly organized ( 重建邏輯 : 進行研究的邏輯是高度 組織化的 )

Qualitative and Quantitative Orientations toward Research: Qualitative Orientations Nonlinear Path Objectivity and Integrity –Avoid arbitrary personal opinion –Open about personal involvement –Trustworthiness, have checks on evidence Emergent Research Questions: more flexible Quantitative Orientations Linear Path: follow a fixed sequence of steps Objectivity and Integrity: replication, standardized methodological procedures Preplanned Research Questions

Qualitative Design Issues The language of cases and contexts ( 個案與 脈絡的語言) Grounded theory (紮根理論 ): develops theory during data collection (more inductive) The context is critical ( 社會行動或陳述的意義 與其出現的脈絡有關 ) Bricolage: ability to deal with different materials and be pragmatic The case and process ( 個案與過程 ): examine a wide variety of aspects of one/a few cases Interpretation ( 第一、二、三級的詮釋 )

Quantitative Design Issues The language of variables and hypotheses ( 變項與假設的語言 ) Types of variables: independent, dependent, & intervening variable ( 中介 變項 ) Causal Theory and Hypotheses –Five characteristics of causal hypotheses ( 因果假設的特徵, p. 162) –State causal relations (p. 163) [Avoid the word of proof.] –Testing and refining hypothesis

Ways to State Causal Relations Religious attendance causes reduced divorce. Religious attendance leads to reduced divorce. Religious attendance is related to reduced divorce. Religious attendance influences reduced divorce. Religious attendance produces reduced divorce. Religious attendance results in reduced divorce. If people attend religious services, then the likelihood of divorce will be reduced. The higher religious attendance, the lower the likelihood of divorce. Religious attendance reduces the likelihood of divorce.

Quantitative Design Issues The language of variables and hypotheses ( 變項與假設的語言 ) Types of variables: independent, dependent, & intervening variable ( 中介 變項 ) Causal Theory and Hypotheses –Five characteristics of causal hypotheses ( 因果假設的特徵, p. 162) –State causal relations (p. 163) [Avoid the word of proof.] –Testing and refining hypothesis

Quantitative Design Issues Types of hypotheses –The idea of falsification –Null hypotheses –Double-barreled hypotheses ( 雙載假設 )

Double-Barreled Hypothesis vs. Interaction Effect ( 交互作用 )

Potential Errors in Causal Explanations –Tautology ( 套套邏輯 ) (circular reasoning) –Teleology ( 目的論 )

Potential Errors in Causal Explanations Ecological fallacy (mismatching units of analysis ) ( 生態謬誤 ) ( 區位謬誤 ): Drawing conclusions about individuals based solely on the observation of groups Reductionism (mismatching units of analysis) ( 化約論,化約主義 ): Explain complex phenomena in terms of a single, narrow concept(s).

Potential Errors in Causal Explanations Spuriousness

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Different Research Styles (see examples in your textbook) Not a rigid dichotomy ( 不是二 分對立 )

The Content of Research Proposal: 研究題目、問題及目的 研究對象 變項及測量 搜集資料的方法 問卷或問題大綱 ( 資料分析 )