Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Greening Business: An online teaching resource Session 2 Session 2: Climate, carbon and business Suggested session outline
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. How to use the teaching slides These slides are not intended to form a complete lecture on the session topic. These resources are designed to suggest a framework to help tutors develop their own lecture material These resources may be used for undergraduate educational purposes only, for other uses please contact the author When using these resources full acknowledgement to the originator and source should be made. These slides were last updated in February 2010
Disclaimer Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Links within this presentation may lead to other sites. These are provided for convenience only. We do not sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of any information or statements appearing in those sites. The author is not responsible for the availability of, or the content located on or through, any such external site. While every effort and care has been taken in preparing the content of this presentation, the author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information in any of the content. The author also (to the extent permitted by law) shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information. The author is also not liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of, or reliance on sites linked to this site, or the internet generally. Pictures, photographs and diagrams within this presentation have been produced by the author unless otherwise stipulated No content within this resource is knowingly an infringement of copyright. Any infringement can be immediately rectified on notification of the author of the resource
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Session outline 1)Why are we so concerned about carbon? 2)CO 2 equivalents and Global Warming Potential 3)Carbon and business 4)Carbon-related legislation Clouds are an important part of the Earth’s energy balance, but it’s greenhouse gases that we are most concerned about
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Why are we so worried about carbon? Nitrogen (78%) Oxygen (21%) Other gases (0.93% argon) Gaseous composition of the lower atmosphere
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. What is global warming? Faster temperature increases at high northern latitudes have implications for snow and ice melt (Photo: SE Iceland, Zoe Robinson)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. The ‘greenhouse effect’ Incoming solar radiation (short wave length) ~50% of incoming radiation is received by the Earth; the Earth heats up and emits long-wave radiation A proportion of long-wave radiation is ‘absorbed’ by GHG – causing warming A simplified depiction of the greenhouse effect
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Global Warming Potential (GWP) GasGWP (over 100 years) Carbon dioxide (CO 2 )1 Methane (CH 4 )25 Nitrous oxide (N 2 O)298 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) ,800 (depending on gas) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) ,200 (depending on gas) Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF 6 ) 22,800 GWPs for different greenhouse gases (GHG) (Source: IPCC, 2007)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Sources of GHG Fridge coolant HFCs are a greenhouse gas (Photo: Stephen Whitfield)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. CO 2 (ppm) CH 4 (ppb) N 2 O (ppb) Pre-I rev. (1750) % increase Changes in atmospheric concentrations of some GHG (Source: IPCC, 2007) Trends
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Units of measurement/reporting The wattage on light bulbs is always clearly displayed but not on all electrical appliances (Source: Faith Goble - flickr.com)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Communicating carbon data Many people may find it easier to visualise a volume of gas – particularly where this is compared to a well-known object, such as a hot air balloon (Source: ajagendorf25 - flickr.com)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. The carbon footprint The carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases released by an individual, organisation, country etc. (Photo: Zoe Robinson)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. How does this relate to business? Business sector kg/square foot Warehouses4 Schools5.5 Shopping centres9 Offices10 Universities11 Hospitals14 Restaurants26 Supermarkets30 Yearly emissions of greenhouse gases for different businesses (Source: Reay, 2006)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. The Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme Cap and trade schemes: Cap and trade schemes: Targets met by reducing emissions below cap and selling surplus or buying allowances for higher emissions (Photo: Zoe Robinson)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Other schemes for energy intensive industries EU-Emissions Trading Scheme (EU- ETS): EU-Emissions Trading Scheme (EU- ETS): “Cap and trade” scheme. EU Member States set emissions limits for all installations covered by the scheme.
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Carbon reduction and local authorities (LAs) Car usage contributes towards National Indicator 186: per capita CO 2 emissions (Photo: Paul Trafford – flickr.com)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Energy performance certificates Use of electricity in the average office (Source: Reay, 2006)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. References and further resources BERR (2009) EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) Carbon footprint (2009) Home of Carbon Management The Carbon Trust (2009) Carbon Reduction Commitment Defra (2009) Climate Change Agreements European Environment Agency (2008) Greenhouse gas emissions trends and projections in Europe Goodall, C. (2007) How to live a low-carbon life. Earthscan Houghton (2004) Global Warming (3 rd edition). Cambridge. IPCC 2007 Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Available from: report.htmlhttp://ipcc-wg1.ucar.edu/wg1/wg1- report.html Lynas, M. (2007) Carbon Calculator: Easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Collins Peake, S. and Smith, J. (2009) Climate Change: From science to sustainability. Open University Reay, D. (2006) Climate Change Begins at Home. Macmillan