IMPLEMENTING iLink Jenny Carpenter, EUUG Conference, Bath 2003
Why? Secretary of State’s visit to Kew Library Outcome of the Library Review General desire to enhance services 1
What did we do? Visited Kew Ordered iLink with Enrichment Faced the IT challenge Met Janet Broome and Jon Turner 2
What was the IT challenge? Government Secure Intranet (GSI) Standing of the Library The solution 3
What was the process? Upgrade the test server Load iLink Test Customise Upgrade the live server Launch 4
How did we test and customise? Representatives of each Library looked at other sites Looked at test server Meeting to discuss requirements 5 5
What happened next? Screen shots taken from test server Requirements added to the screen shots ed to Sirsi 6
And next? Changes made at Sirsi Review of changes Requests for further changes 7
And next? Upgrade live server iLink on live server Launch of iLink 8
What did we do to launch iLink? Site of the week on the Intranet Office Notices Staff Magazine 9
What are we doing now? Further customisation Follow up meetings including translators Rewriting the help pages Planning end user training 10
How do we measure use? Script written by Unix Team Updated daily Performance measurement 11
Examples of customisation Home Page I Need Material Knowledge Portal 15
What would we do differently? Get IT colleagues on board More time on preparation phase More consultation with users 20
What will we do next? Make iLink primary source on Intranet Introduce Enrichment 21