1 On the Statistical Analysis of Dirty Pictures Julian Besag
2 Image Processing Required in a very wide range of practical problems Computer vision Computer tomography Agriculture Many more… Picture acquisition techniques are noisy
3 Problem Statement Given a noisy picture And 2 source of information (assumptions) A multivariate record for each pixel Pixels close together tend to be alike Reconstruct the true scene
4 Notation S – 2D region, partitioned into pixels numbered 1…n x = (x 1, x 2, …, x n ) – a coloring of S x* (realization of X ) – true coloring of S y = (y 1, y 2, …, y n ) (realization of Y ) – observed pixel color
5 Assumption #1 Given a scene x, the random variables Y 1, Y 2, …, Y n are conditionally independent and each Y i has the same known conditional density function f(y i |x i ), dependent only on x i. Probability of correct acquisition
6 Assumption #2 The true coloring x* is a realization of a locally dependant Markov random field with specified distribution {p(x)}
7 Locally Dependent M.r.f.s Generally, the conditional distribution of pixel i depends on all other pixels, {S\i} We are only concerned with local dependencies
8 Previous Methodology Maximum Probability Estimation Classification by Maximum Marginal Probabilities
9 Maximum Probability Estimation Chose an estimate x such that it will have the maximum probability given a record vector y. In Bayesian framework x is MAP estimate In decision theory – 0-1 loss function
10 Maximum Probability Estimation Iterate over each pixel Chose color x i at pixel i from probability Slowly decreasing T will guarantee convergence
11 Classification by Maximum Marginal Probabilities Maximize the proportion of correctly classified pixels Note that P(x i | y) depends on all records Another proposal: use a small neighborhood for maximization Still computationally hard because P is not available in closed form
12 Problems Large scale effects Favors scenes of single color Computationally expensive
13 Estimation by Iterated Conditional Modes The previously discussed methods have enormous computational demands, and undesirable large-scale properties. We want a faster method with good large- scale properties.
14 Iterated Conditional Modes When applied to each pixel in turn, this procedure defines a single cycle of an iterative algorithm for estimating x*
15 Examples of ICM Each example involves: c unordered colors Neighborhood is 8 surrounding pixels A known scene x* At each pixel i, a record y i is generated from a Gaussian distribution with mean and variance κ.
16 The hillclimbing update step
17 Extremes of β β = 0 gives the maximum likelihood classifier, with which ICM is initialized β = ∞, x i is determined by a majority vote of its neighbors, with y i records only used to break ties.
18 Example 1 6 cycles of ICM were applied, with β = 1.5
19 Example 2 Hand-drawn to display a wide array of features y i records were generated by superimposing independent Gaussian noise, √κ =.6 8 cycles, β increasing from.5 to 1.5 over the 1 st 6
20 Models for the true scene Most of the material here is speculative, a topic for future research There are many kinds of images possessing special structures in the true scene. What we have seen so far in the examples are discrete ordered colors.
21 Examples of special types of images Unordered colors These are generally codes for some other attribute, such as crop identities Excluded adjacencies It may be known that certain colors cannot appear on neighboring pixels in the true scene.
22 More special cases… Grey-level scenes Colors may have a natural ordering, such as intensity. The authors did not have the computing equipment to process, display, and experiment with 256 grey levels. Continuous intensities {p(x)} is a Gaussian M.r.f. with zero mean
23 More special cases… Special features, such as thin lines Author had some success reproducing hedges and roads in radar images. Pixel overlap
24 Parameter Estimation This may be computationally expensive This is often unnecessary We may need to estimate θ in l(y|x; θ) Learn how records result from true scenes. And we may need to estimate Φ in p(x;Φ) Learn probabilities of true scenes.
25 Parameter Estimation, cont. Estimation from training data Estimation during ICM
26 Example of Parameter Estimation Records produced with Gaussian noise, κ =.36 Correct value of κ, gradually increasing β gives 1.2% error Estimating β = 1.83 and κ =.366 gives 1.2% error κ known but β = 1.8 estimated gives 1.1% error
27 Block reconstruction Suppose the Bs form 2x2 blocks of four, with overlap between blocks At each stage, the block in question must be assigned one of c 4 colorings, based on 4 records, and 26 direct and diagonal adjacencies:
28 Block reconstruction example Univariate Gaussian records with κ =.9105 Basic ICM with β = 1.5 gives 9% error rate ICM with β = ∞ estimated gives 5.7% error
29 Conclusion We began by adopting a strict probabilistic formulation with regard to the true scene and generated records. We then abandoned these in favor of ICM, on grounds of computation and to avoid unwelcome large-scale effects. There is a vast number of problems in image processing and pattern recognition to which statisticians might usefully contribute.