Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, 20041 CMS-HCAL Rochester activities Arie Bodek/ P. de Barbaro University of.


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Presentation transcript:

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, CMS-HCAL Rochester activities Arie Bodek/ P. de Barbaro University of Rochester August 11, 2004 DOE Review HCAL = Hadron Calorimeter (an exercise in acronyms)

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, CMS Detector (Compact Muon Solenoid)

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, OutlineOutline Overview - CMS-HCAL Rochester Group Past UR CMS HCAL Activities at UR/FNAL/CERN Test Beam Motion Table (Slattery/Ginther/:obkowicz)) 1995 and 1996 HCAL Test Beam at CERN (data taking, analysis, NIM article -A. Bodek, P. de Barbaro, H. Budd) Design of the HCAL Optics System (A. Bodek,P. De Barbaro, H.Budd) Construction of Scintillator Megatiles for Hadron Barrel Calorimeter (P. de Barbaro, H. Budd, Rochester Techs and Engineer) Rochester L3 Management Responsibilities, Fermilab FY98-F03(P. de Barbaro) Currrent CMS HCAL Activities HCAL Installation and Commissioning, CERN FY03-07 (P. de Barbaro) Test Beam Activities, 2002, 2003, 2004 and analysis 05 (de Barbaro, H. Budd) Construction and Quality Control of Decoder/Photo-Detector Readout Boxes (RBX) and Electronics (Y. S. Chung, Rochester Techs) Future - Integration of Rochester HCAL+TOB+Analysis efforts at CERN and FNAL (Bodek, Tipton, Demina, Slattery)

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Rochester CMS HCAL Group Physicists( at Rochester, FNAL, CERN) Prof. Arie Bodek (CMS, CDF, NuTeV->MINERvA/JUPITER) Prof. Paul Slattery (mostly Dzero, CMS HCAL -> CMS TOB) Pawel de Barbaro (Senior Scientist)- At CERN - CMS (Installation/Test Beam) Howard Budd (Senior Scientist) - At FNAL - CMS/CDF/MINERvA George Ginther (Senior Scientist) - At FNAL - CMS/D0 (mostly Dzero) Willis Sakumoto (Senior Scientist) - At FNAL - CMS/CDF (mostly CDF) Y, S. Chung (RA) - at FNAL - CMS (quality control)/CDF Rochester Technical Staff (we had 6 techs, now down to 4) Dan Ruggiero (lab engineer) - CMS Project Funds (At FNAL)-->MINERvA??? Janina Gielata (technician) - CMS Project Funds (At FNAL)->-> CMS-TOB Agnieszka Sanocka (technician) -CMS Project Funds (At FNAL)->-CMS -TOB Heng Bao Zeng (technician) - CMS Project Funds (AT FNAL)-->MINERvA??? Tom Haelen (Engineer) - At Rochester (died 2004, interviewing new engin.) Summer Students (test beam running and analysis) Matthias Imboden (Bern U., 2002-US citizen NSF-REU) - at CERN summer Pawel Sopicki (Jagellonian U., 2003, 2004) - at CERN summer Administrative Staff Sue Brightman and Judy Mack (large CMS purchases)

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Brief history Brief History - Rochester CDF-Plug Upgrade/CMS HCAL Group 1.We invented Megatile-Tile-Fiber Technology for SDC and CDF 2.We built the CDF-Plug Calorimeter and are currently maintaining it and are responsible for its calibration in the Collision Hall 3.We tested and calibrated CDF-Plug Upgrade Calorimeter in test beam 4.We developed very large Megatile technology for CMS-Barrel HCAL 5.We have built all the HCAL Megatiles. Optical Cables, and are now completing Optical Decoders/Photodetector Readout Boxes (RBX) and Electronics for CMS -HCAL 6.We installed all the Megatiles into CMS-HCAL at CERN 7.We have have built an ECAL module for the CERN test beam 8.Rochester (Slattery-Lobkowicz-Ginther) built the massive test beam motion table 9.We have led and are leading test beam efforts and analyses at CERN 10.We are now in charge of of CMS-HCAL installation at CERN (Pawel de Barbaro) 11. We are in charge of quality control of Optical decoder/Photo-detector Readout Boxes and Electronics production at Fermilab (Yonsei Chung)

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Rochester current responsibilities UR-CMS-HCAL group Continuing UR CMS HCAL Activities Rochester L3 Management Responsibilities of all of US CMS HCAL Optical Design FY98-F03 and construction at Fermilab has been completed and we are now in charge of the construction and Quality control of Decoder Readout boxes/Electronics at FNAL (Yonsei Chung) Test Beam Motion Table ( built by Slattery/ Ginther/ Lobkowicz) used 1995 and 1996 HCAL Test Beam at CERN (Rochester also responsible for data taking, analysis, NIM article). We have lead the test Beam Activities, 2002, 2003 and are currently in charge of the 2004 (analysis 05) Test Beam run (Pawel de Barbaro) In charge of Installation and Commissioning, of CMS HCAL at CERN FY03-07 (Pawel de Barbaro) Begin integration of Rochester HCAL and Silicon TOB CMS efforts at CERN ( )

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Construction progress in 04 Detector- Overall CMS HCAL assembly schedule- continuing: Hadron Barrel (HB), Hadron-Endcap (HE), Hadron-Outer Calorimeter (HO) and Hadron Forward (HF) -Assembly of Endcap detectors schedule - continuing -Assembly of Hadron-Forward Cal (HF) modules Buildings - Extension of surface assembly hall (SX5) under way. Collision Halls - Construction of services for underground collision and service halls (ux5) underway

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, HCAL installation and testing Hadron Barrel (HB); Hadron Endcap (EH) And Hadron Outer (HO) installation includes final check of Readout Box (RBX) units sent from FNAL (therefore it is important that are checked and electronics calibrated at FNAL first). Installation of cables, services at CERN Followed by testing and calibration of scintillators/optics response (using LEDs, and radioactive wire source),- Check procedure with muons, pions and electrons in test beam.

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, HB integration engineer New engineer started working for HB (Hadron Barrel) as part of CERN integration group The priorities are: 1.HB Cable Covers 2.HB RBX (Readout Boxes) covers 3.HB Services Routing 4.Installation of Scintillator Layers outside the brass: L0 (inside) and L16 (external) can only be done in the Collision Hall.

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, D model of a single Hadron Barrel (HB) wedge A 20 degree barrel Wege - 17 sampling layers, Brass Absorber RBX = Readout BoX (decoder, HPDs, and ADC’s) Optical Cables Tracker cables Place for ECAL Cables

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Hadron Barrel Calorimeter: HB half-barrel assembled in sx5 18 Twenty Degree Wedges 17 sampling layers Magnet return Yoke (1, 2, 3)

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, HB assembly in Surface Assembly hall SX5 CERN-Russian Engineer working with de Barbaro on Assembly and installation process

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Test beam 2004 goals Last test beam activity before HCAL and rest of CMS are lowered into the cavern. New very-low-energy (~2-9 GeV) tertiary target has been set up on the H2 beamline. (will measure down to Ehad = 3 GeV). Study low energy pion response of calorimeters. Test beam configuration includes Two 20 o barrel wedges One with standard eta-phi tower readout One with longitudinal readout to study shower development (Special test) One HE sector HF wedge calibration stand (7 wedges will be calibrated) Data to start Thursday (Tomorrow) which is why Pawel is not at Rochester (How to understand add ECAL and HCAL together with different electron and pion response at low energy). Totally non-compensating

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Detector setup in H2 beamline (Rochester built motion table)_ Largest CMS ECAL Crystal Collection built by Rochester get 2.5 % at 100 GeV 12%/ Sqrt(E) + constantte rm Two 20 degree HB Wedges HE 20 degres HOCoil Mockup

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Results from HCAL Testbeam (2004) Results from HCAL Testbeam (2004) Module with longitudinal segmentation of HB allows the measurement of layer- by-layer calibration constants using muon data. These measurements agree well with the calibration constants extracted from source calibration runs. (First layer response set higher in order to account for extra material in front)

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Pion response as a function of depth (layer) 150 GeV data June 04 No ECAL With ECAL

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, HB1 Longitudinal Segmentation Special Test Two models in Geant 4 (G4) simulation 1)17 depths x 1 eta (sum of all eta towers) ) Need to test QGSP versus LHEP models against data For 5, 10, 20, and 100 GeV

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Low Energy Test Beam Data important for understanding Jets Test beam Needs: Particle ID with Cerenkov counter. Muon halo veto. Different G4 Simulations in advance - determine which parameters need to be tested  Important for Jet/MET simulation to understand both HCAL and combined ECAL/HCAL response to low energy hadrons! Plots for HCAL only - Gets much worse with ECAL in front - study in test beam (9 GeV hadrons give 4 GeV/ in test beam HCAL alone G4 Simulation In view of test beam results- low Ehad Monte Carlo for ECAL +HCAL currently being simulated

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Hadron Outer (HO) Calorimeter installation 2 layers at low eta and one layer at high eta

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Trial installation of Hadron Outer Calorimeter (HO) tray

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Effect of short Tower #16 on L1 Trig. (I) Simulation : CMSIM 133, reconstruction : ORCA_7_6_1 appropriately modified to take into account geometry QCD di-jet data samples QCD di-jets with p T = , and GeV - main contributors to the fake MET rate ^ QCD di-jets with E T = and GeV at the part. level and  = Will Test Crack in Test beam

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Hadron Endcap (HE) module HE YE1 plate of Yoke Endcap ( 3 Plates 1,2,3 and -1, -2, -3) Early stage with brass only prior to scintillator installation

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Optic patch panel area HV splice box area HE+ 1.5m HE Optical Cable routing Optic cables HV cables Scintillator+ source tubes already have been installed

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Details of Hadron Endcap (HE) cabling plant Four 5 degree sectors Water cooling for RBX and Muon Chambers

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Hadron Endcap (HE) installation in Surface Service Hall (SX5): cutout zone for readout box Source tubes

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, CMS Hadron Forward Calorimeter (HF) assembly Shielding Support Table Assembly of HF- has started: survey shows that maximum deviation from nominal geometry is < 0.4 mm

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, CMS Progress: Surface Assembly Hall - SX5 extension: steelwork Over SHAFT for detector (to be ready Dec-04)

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, UXC55: CMS underground cavern CMS has received occupancy from construction firm (end of July 04)

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, USC (underground service cavern)

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, HB services installation in Underground Hall UX5

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, CMS schedule, v34.0: surface phase

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, YE1 Iron Disk on which Endcap is mounted (Yoke Endcap) schedule 5/8/04 YB-Yoke Barell

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, RBX Test of installation of services on YE (Yoke Endcap) disk - High Voltage, digital and low voltage

Arie Bodek/P de Barbaro, CMS Activities at Rochester, DOE Review, August 11, Summary UR CMS HCAL Rochester is currently involved both in CMS-HCAL and CMS-Tracker (Tipton, Demina) In charge and Coordination of HCAL installation: Integration/Assembly work in surface hall (SX5): cabling, construction/quality control and installation of readout boxes, calibration of scintillators Progress in design and sequencing of Underground (UX5) installation of services Rochester in charge of test beam running and analysis in 2004 (HCAL+EMU) Participation in Physics Analysis and simulations very important year for CMS