Scaling up and scaling out: How the eLene partners are addressing sustainability in European eLearning projects EDEN conference, Naples, June 15 th 2007 Deborah Arnold, eLearning project manager eLene-TT / eLene-TLC coordinator, eLene-EE partner Vidéoscop – Université Nancy 2
2/16 Once upon a time… 2003: ‘Virtual models of European Universities’ European Commission DG Education and Culture (EN) Study in 200 universities 8 case studies : –France : CANEGE –Italy : Politecnico di Milano –Germany : Bremen University –The Netherlands : Utrecht University –Finland : Finnish Virtual University –Spain : Open University of Catalonia –Sweden : Umeå University –United Kingdom : UKHEP –+ Poland : Polish Virtual University
3/16 The group takes form… November 2003, Milan “let’s work together” February 2004, Bremen Defining strategic axes May 2004, Nancy Developing first project …
4/16 Building eLene… 4 themes for future work: –Pedagogy – teacher training –Economics – of eLearning –Technology – mobile solutions –Strategy – Bologna process 6 months community building: –Sense of belonging –Mutual knowledge and respect –Friendship Small is beautiful! –Start with concrete grassroots project rather than institutionalised network
5/ Teaching and Learning service Centre [coord: Vidéoscop-UN2, France] Preparing HE for the net generation students Teachers, teacher trainers, instructional designers, decision makers The three eLene projects… Teacher training and the innovative use of ICT in Higher Education [coord: Vidéoscop-UN2: France] Virtual learning resource centre Teacher training actions Economics of eLearning [coord: Univ. Umeå, Sweden] Cost-benefit analysis Student performance Indicators Digital divides
6/16 eLene-TT: the TT Centre Teacher Training Centre Evaluation Methodology Questionnaires Results Teacher Training actions Programmes/Curricula Associated resources Reports Tools For teaching and learning For teacher training Guidelines Institutional environment Interaction and collaboration Learning styles …
7/16 eLene-TT: lessons learnt Spirit of true collaboration –Will to share –Constructive criticism –Common ownership –See our video interviews: Challenges –Sharing meaning at the start of the project –High expectations Sustainability –Exploitation agreement –New project –Mainstreaming by involving institutional decision makers
8/16 eLene-TLC: scaling up and scaling out Involving target groups outside our own institutions –Drawing on our national and European networks.e.g. France: Digital Thematic Universities –Building a community of teacher become relays for training teachers across Europe –Developing a community of users contributing to, using and reviewing the contents of the TL Centre Teaching and Learning service Centre Teachers Teacher trainers Students Instructional designers Decision makers
9/16 EU policy makers National policy makers eLene: concrete solutions for sustainability eLene board of directors eLene-TLC project team Monitoring policy cooperation agreement for the eLene group Meetings eLene-TLC policy statement
10/16 eLene-EE conference: “Economics of eLearning” Paris, France 12 th – 14 th December 2007 Upcoming events… eLene-TLC conference: “Preparing universities for the ne(x)t generation of students” Bremen, Germany 17 th – 18 th March 2008
11/16 Want to know more? soon…