Management/Environment/Global H Edu 4790/6790
Definitions… Health care Health services Public health Health service organizations Health systems Managers Management
Activities My best manager “Learning to think like a manager”
Levels/Types of Managers Top Middle Front-line Line Staff
Management functions Planning Organizing Leading Controlling
Management SKills Technical Human Conceptual
Management Skills
Management Roles Interpersonal Informational Decisional
Management Competencies Conceptual Technical/clinical Interpersonal/collaborative Political Commercial Governance
Review FunctionsSkillsRolesCompetencies PlanningTechnicalInterpersonalConceptual OrganizingHumanInformationalTechnical LeadingConceptualDecisionalInterpersonal Political Commercial ControllingGovernance
The Management Model
Management Elements Process Goals/objectives People and resources Formal organizational setting
History Plague and other diseases Sanitary awakening Hospitals Mortality and morbidity Social welfare Federal initiatives
The Western System Present structure Preventive care Primary care Secondary care Tertiary care Restorative care Continuing care
The Western System (cont) Classifications Environment General Specific Workers Licensed Certified Registered
Multiculturalism/ Diversity Ethnocentrism Multicultural Organization Glass ceilings
Managing Diversity
List global healthcare business
Forms of International Business Global sourcing Exporting Importing Licensing agreement Franchising Joint ventures Wholly-owned subsidiary
National Culture (Hofstede) Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Individualism-collectivism Masculinity-femininity Time orientation
Figure 5.4, pg. 132
Trompenaar’s Cultural Diversity Universalism vs particularism Individualism vs collectivism Neutral vs affective Specific vs diffuse Achievement vs prescription
Are management theories universal?