Quantification of MR Spectra in Human Brain using LCModel Shireen Farvin HM-Meeran Shireen Farvin HM-Meeran Masters in Bio-Medical Engineering Masters in Bio-Medical Engineering Wayne State University Wayne State University Thesis Committee Members: Dr. Jiani Hu Dr. E. Mark Haacke
Research Interest Automatic quantification of in vivo proton MR spectra using LCModel. Automatic quantification of in vivo proton MR spectra using LCModel. To estimate metabolite concentrations To estimate metabolite concentrations Normal Human brain and Various Tumor cases at 4T field strength. Normal Human brain and Various Tumor cases at 4T field strength.
Methods The metabolite concentrations were obtained using LCmodel quantification algorithm. The metabolite concentrations were obtained using LCmodel quantification algorithm. LCmodel analyses the in vivo spectrum as a linear combination of individual in vitro metabolite spectra that constitute a basis set. LCmodel analyses the in vivo spectrum as a linear combination of individual in vitro metabolite spectra that constitute a basis set. The basis set used in this study consisted of spectra from the following metabolites: NAA, choline, creatine, glutamate, glutamine and GABA. The basis set used in this study consisted of spectra from the following metabolites: NAA, choline, creatine, glutamate, glutamine and GABA.
Test Phantom Results The ultimate goal of this research is to apply this basis-set on Traumatic Brain Injured patients to estimate the metabolite concentrations.
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