MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University WHAT’S NEW IN 9.2
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University THE LOGIN PROCESS
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Location of Care stays blank until the user’s ID and Password have been authenticated New Name/Login Screen
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University New Name/Login Screen Persons who work in multiple HT locations will need to make sure that the correct location is selected at the start of each session
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University YOUR DESKTOP
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Appointment Preference Double-click on an appointment on your Desktop Summary to go directly to the patient’s chart
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Appointment Preference This feature is only available on the Desktop Summary tab – not from within an appointment book
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Care Alerts on the Desktop Displayed along with your Flags, Care Alerts offer extra functionality
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University The Chart’s Most Recent List Click the Chart button’s dropdown arrow to see the 10 most recent charts in which you have been working
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University THE PATIENT CHART
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University No Known Medications If it has been documented that the patient has no known medications, it is displayed as such on the Summary tab
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University No Known Medications “No known medications” also displays prominently across the Patient’s Medications tab, when applicable
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Medications Medications prescribed by a non-HealthTeam clinician and recorded as historic can be displayed accordingly
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Care Alerts in the Chart Care Alerts are displayed on the Summary tab of the patient’s chart
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Care Alert Display Hover over a Care Alert displayed on a different tab to see the full content of that Alert
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Care Alert Display Click directly on the Alert display to open the View Alerts/Flags window for more viewing and editing options
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Care Alert Pop Ups A Care Alert can be set to Popup when the patient’s chart is accessed
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University The Alerts/Flags Tab The Alerts/Flags tab displays: * Allergies & Adverse Reactions * Directives * Care Alerts & Flags
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University A Care Alert Caution Popup Care Alerts can be useful, but they should not be over-used, or users may become desensitized to all Popups and miss something critical about a patient’s medical care.
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University The History Tab History views are a helpful alternative to flowsheets for displaying narrative text in the patient’s chart
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University IN A CHART UPDATE
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Directives Reviewed Record that the patient’s Directives have been reviewed during an update
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University New Directive Options The Directives’ Description dropdown list has been significantly expanded
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Recording No Known Meds Record in a chart update that the patient has no known medications
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Medications Reviewed Record that the patient’s medication list has been reviewed during an update
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University The Medications Window The patient's active Problems are displayed in the New, Update, and Change Medications windows
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Search for a Medication Search for a medication by: * Brand Name * Generic Name, or * Keyword
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Medication Search Methods When searching by Brand Name or Generic Name, the Search methods include: * beginning with * containing, and * ending with
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Medication Handouts Print a patient handout of the medication selected in the Find Medication window
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Handout Print Options When printing a medication handout, you can choose a small or large font, English or Spanish language, and to record printing the handout in the patient’s chart
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Dosing Calculator Having selected a medication in the New or Update Medication window, click the Dosing Calculator button to access this feature
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University The Monograph Utility Select a medication, then click the Monograph button to view reference information about that medication, such as precautions, contraindications, etc.
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Historic Medications To record medications prescribed to a patient by a non-HT clinician, set Authorized By: to “Provider, Non-MSU”
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Prescription Refills When refilling prescriptions, the system checks for interactions and adverse reactions, then displays the corresponding icon
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Updating Problems The person who entered a problem and the one responsible for that problem is displayed in the Update Problems window
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Search for a Problem Search for a Problem by: * Code (CPT or ICD-9) * Description, or * Keyword
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Problem Search Methods When searching by Code or Description, the Search method options include: * beginning with * containing, and * ending with When searching by Code or Description, the Search method options include: * beginning with * containing, and * ending with
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Drug to Disease Interaction Click the Drug interactions icon to see details of drug to disease interactions
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Getting Help
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Centricity EMR 9.2 Help Get general assistance at Help | Help Topics Read about new 9.2 features in Help | What’s New
MSU HealthTeam Michigan State University Help at the HealthTeam Health Information Technology (517) Training materials Submit a service request