Mobile Learner Support part of the Virtual Learning Environment Programme Project Leader: Rhodri Thomas
Device-independent Working with what students have Classes of devices/behaviours Providing flexible options
Learner-centred Optimised [web & PDF] Self-contained [Flash & rich media] Multi-platform/format [eBook, DAISY] Alerts [ , SMS] RSS [Course News] Podcasting [AV] Practice-basedFieldwork Messaging [ , IM/SMS] User-generated content [Text & AV artefacts] Sharing [ePortfolio, moblog] Mobile Learner Mobile Collaboration: Mobile ‘Channel’:Mobile Content: Mobile web & services mediated by tutorials and peer support
Mobile ‘Channel’ Podcasting –Audiovisual expertise –Use cases –Blended approach –Transcripts [SENDA] Central alerts/notices –RSS feeds –SMS text services
Mobile ‘Channel’ Podcasting – learning from others [IMPALA] –Profcasting: Weekly short updates/feedback integrated into VLE-based course –Lecture summary, review key concepts, links forward, further reading –Topical & informal discussion of up to date issues. Includes experts, local people etc. –Location specific information for field trips –Demo of software application –Museum artefacts support –Quick mini lecture for Reusability, Review, Revision –Guide to equipment using in the field –Challenging topics: development, student exploration –Digital story telling: develop reflective & active learning, based on field trips –Documentary based on field trips –Collaboration & 1st yr skills development
Mobile Content Mobile web –Optimised Learning objects –Self-contained –Reusable Multi-format –Rich text eBooks –DAISY Talking Books
Mobile Collaboration Social –Presence –Status updates –Instant Messaging User-generated –Rich media capture –Sharing with peers Location-based –GPS
mCollaboration mChannel mContent Mailings CD/DVD Offline Moodle Synchronised collaboration VLE courses Synchronous & Async Comms Online Services Mobile Learner Connected Learner Offline Learner Websites eAssessment Residentials Materials Exams Interfacing with other learners
Synchronisation & Offline ‘Offline Moodle’ –Providing local version of course content –Synchronising forums OU & Moodle feedback
Research & Development Emulation –Testing/Support –Staff development New user interfaces –Devices & environments –Embedding in systems Connectivity –Standalone vs. companion?
Future OU strategy Staff Development –Hands-on –Awareness-raising Mobile Learning activities –Face2Face – AL partners –Residentials OU-on-the-go –Mobile access to services EPD
Mobile Learner Support Project Leader: Rhodri Thomas