FTK Production on UC Tier3 and Hidden Valley Processes Jan 23, 2007 Erik Brubaker FTK meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

FTK Production on UC Tier3 and Hidden Valley Processes Jan 23, 2007 Erik Brubaker FTK meeting

January 23, 2007FTK Meeting2 FTK production jobs So far in ~1 month, produced ~12M events. –Using entire tier3 cluster, I can do 1M ev/day if all goes well. Pausing now to recompile, restart production with patch from Monica/Francesco for more precision in output. Need to remove digi files to save space. –Using 19TB of disk for those 12M events… For 100M events (full training sample?) may need to speed up the job. –Turn off unneeded detectors in sim, digi.

January 23, 2007FTK Meeting3 Hidden Valley models Matt Strassler (U Washington) explores “Hidden Valley” model space—regions having light particles, but so far inaccessible experimentally for some reason. One class of HV models has light scalar Higgs decaying into new long-lived (3 ps-3 ns) particles. (hep-ph/ ) –If those new particles decay to jets, the event signature is 2 pairs of jets, each pair sharing a displaced vertex.

January 23, 2007FTK Meeting4 HV benchmark models Production Process Higgs mass Br(h ==> SS) Mass of S Lifetime of S S decay channels Comments All standard model Higgs production gg ==> h, qq==>qqh, qq==>Wh, Zh 80 GeV; 100 GeV; 130 GeV 100%; 10 %; 1% 20 GeV; 40 GeV 3 ns; 300 ps; 30 ps; 3 ps bb; tau An 80 GeV higgs decaying to SS with lifetime less than 300 ps may well be ruled out; LEP has not published limits All standard model Higgs production gg ==> h, qq==>qqh, qq==>Wh, Zh 170 GeV 1%; 0.1 % 20 GeV; 40 GeV; 65 GeV 3 ns; 300 ps; 30 ps; 3 ps bb; tau A Higgs that can decay to WW, ZZ cannot easily have a large Br to SS BOLD = I have a 100k-event sample…

January 23, 2007FTK Meeting5 HV model jet p T plots

January 23, 2007FTK Meeting6 Signal rates Production cross section is gg->H, depends on m H H->SS is 0.1%--1% for high mass, 1%--100% for low mass Higgs Analyze with our full machinery to get LVL1 trigger efficiency for (ATLAS default) and (with FTK) LVL2 efficiency depends on S lifetime, but e.g. a single tag requirement should be highly efficient Assume 10^33—low LHC luminosity…

January 23, 2007FTK Meeting7 Benchmark signal rates ModelLVL1 trigger eff. LVL1 Ev/yr (10^7 s) m H =100; Br(H  SS)=1-100%; m S =40;  S =30 ps 4j40: [6e-6,6e-4] j25: [2e-5,2e-3] m H =130; Br(H  SS)=1-100%; m S =40;  S =30 ps 4j40: [6e-6,6e-4] j25: [2e-5,1e-3] m H =170; Br(H  SS)=0.1-1%; m S =40;  S =30 ps 4j40: [7e-7,7e-6]7-70 4j25: [2e-6,2e-5] LVL1 is the bottleneck, so these numbers tell most of the story No FTK FTK No FTK FTK

January 23, 2007FTK Meeting8 Next steps Come up with some simple analysis cuts to present final numbers. –Real analysis would develop sophisticated tools to find shared displaced vertex, etc. Perform multi-threshold study a la Kohei. Background rates shared with H->hh->4b.